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Dark Turmoil in The Dimensions Card Contest Finished I'm not doing the fanfic anymore


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I going to be writing a fanfic soon. I need ideas for character's decks.So post written versions of a 40 card deck. 3 of them have to be a card that you made and are not written. CARDS MUST BE ORIGINAL!! No taking ideas from video games, tv shows, etc,etc,etc.

1st Place- Choose a place in my fanfic, villain, villain's underling, or main character's friend. 3 rep.

2nd Place- Same as 1st Place. But wait untill the winner chooses his or her character first. 2 rep.

3rd Place- You get whatever character is left. 1 rep.

Contest Begins: October 4

Contest Ends: October 15

Have fun with it! I'll be posting the first episode soon.

(By the way, sorry. About the other contest. Lock it plz, then after this one is finished unlock the other one.)(Also, you must post an avatar from tek-tek and post your character's name here, or on my fanfic.)

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i don't have the time to make a deck, in the amount of time i have for this contest, so here are three cards you can use for your show, pm me when you've posted your show(i want to see it)

here my three villian cards




here are some of my cards



Pay 1000 life points to activate this card, summon 3 monsters from your out of play.


D.D. Phantmon


6 star


You can remove this card from play to remove 3 cards on the field from play.

2200atk 2000def


The Plague


After you activate this card, all of your opponent’s magic and trap cards are destroyed, then your opponent can choose one card on your side of the field, that card is destroyed.


Portal to a different dimension


To activate this card you must pay 3000 life points, switch both players deck with their out of play.


Skeleton Hunter


3 star


When this card is destroyed you can summon 1 monster from your deck with less than 2000 attack that has skeleton in its name.

1500atk 0def


Skeleton Warrior


4 star


During the standby phase after this card is destroyed, you can pay 500 life points to summon it back to the field.

1900atk 0def


Skeleton Dragon


7 star


This card gains 100 attack for each zombie type monster in your grave yard that has skeleton in its card name.

2700atk 0def


Rise of the dead


Summon 3 monsters with Skeleton in their card name from your graveyard.


Anubis – god of the dead


10 star


When this card is summoned, all zombie type monsters gain 500 attack. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle. Once per a turn, you can summon one zombie type monster from your graveyard. When this card is destroyed remove all cards in your opponent’s grave yard from play.

2500atk 0def


D.D. Werewolf


6 star


If this card destroys a monster a monster, you can summon 1 monster from your hand, that has D. D. in its card name.

2300atk 1700def


Rising into the air


Pay 1000 life points, summon one skeleton dragon from your hand deck, or grave yard.


Grim lord of the dead


7 star


This card is not destroyed in battle. This card gains 300 attack for each zombie monster card in your graveyard. When this card is destroyed, Summon one Zombie monster with a level equal to or less than Grim-Lord Of The Dead.

1800atk 850def


Skeleton knight


4 star


If this card is destroyed summon it back to the field with 100 less attack, if this card’s attack reaches below 1000 it is removed from play instead of being summoned back.

2050atk 0def


Skeleton warlord




This card gains 200 attack for each zombie monster with skeleton in its card name that is on your side of the field.

2300atk 0def

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