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Yu gi oh Tag Team Force Chapter 2: ( started) Still accepting


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Brandon was next in line to duel George. He noticed something off. The difficulty was set to 2. "Wow...that's surprising." He set the difficulty to maximum and George had a new deck to use. Both duel disks activated. "Let's go then." Branodn said with a smirk.


Brandon: 4000

George: 4000


OOC: The duel is using the traditional format, so there maybe be cards that are banned in the advanced, but limited in the traditional.

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Brandon started the duel. "i'll start this duel. I'll summon Blazing Hiita in defense position. I'll set 2 cards face down and end my turn." George then took his turn. "I'll summon a monster in defense position. Setting one card face down. Turn end."



Brandon: 4000 Hand: 3

George: 4000 Hand: 4


[spoiler= Cards Used]




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"During your End Phase, I activate Skull Zoma. I summon him to the field. Its my turn! I draw!"

SC: 10

"Activate Speed Spell - Angel of Charity! This card allows both players to discard any amount of cards from their deck - or none at all. After, both players draw cards from their deck until they hold 6 cards."


Zarkus draws 6 cards from his deck.

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Ooc: that phoenix is a keeping, Grim.

I was driving in my runner. "If I don't duel I gonna to pull my hair out." Just then a cop pull me over. "Oh great! This day just keep getting now." The cop came out his car and walk beside me. Did you notice you had a broken tail light." I look at the back of my runner. (Last time I park it by a kid park.) "Sorry Officier, I didn't know. I was looking for a duel and I didn't realize it." He smiled, "A duel eh? Well tell you what if you beat me in a duel then I will forget this whole ordeal. LOSE and you will have more then a fine and tow of your runner to deal with." I smiled, "It on I like when the stacks are high and the bases are loaded."


I got off my runner and pull out my deck. "Let go!" He pull a briefcase out his car and choose one of his deck. "This will be over soon."


BOTH: Let Duel

Cop: I go first. (Draw) I summon Archfiend Solider in ATK mode and play "Adding Allies" This will allow me to summon two monster of the same name as my Archfiend. (Two more Archfiend appear.) Now I tribute all three to special summon Archfiend Commander with 2800 ATK. I end by setting one card down.

Hand 3


Me: (This guys no joke he did an advanced summon in one turn. And with that Commander on the field he can bring back any Archfiend from his graveyard.) I drawed. I summon Lady Masquerade in Atk mode.


Cop: (laughing) This is will be very swift if you keep playing card like that.


Me: I wouldn't trash trash if I was you. I activate Heart of Clear Water and equip it to my Masquerade. Now she can't be destroy by battle. I end by placing 2 card on the field.

Hand: 2

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Zarkus looks at his cards

"Heh, lucky me. I activate the card Speed Spell - Summon Speeder to summon Tuningware, and then activate Speed Spell - Spellbound Tuning!"



Pay half of your Life Points and remove all of your counters from "Speed World". Reveal 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. Special Summon 1 Synchro Material Monster listed on that card from your Deck or Extra Deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. The effect of the summoned card is negated. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon if a Synchro monster was summoned like this). The effect and activation of this card cannot be negated, and the summon of the monster cannot be chained to.



"I select Savior Star Dragon and summon... Stardust Dragon to the field in attack position!"

Hand: 3

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