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Yu gi oh Tag Team Force Chapter 2: ( started) Still accepting


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"Its my turn! I draw!"

Hand: 3

"I activate Pot of Greed! I draw 2 cards from my deck. Now, I tribute Spirit Reaper to summon Dark Soul Golem to the field! Dark Soul Golem cannot be destroyed by any means, and gains 1000 ATK, bringing him to 4200. I believe my victory is assured. Dark Soul Golem, attack Sakuya now!"

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"Erm... I activate Shrink from my hand, halving his ATK points and damage!"

LP: 1900

"I then Special Summon my Dark Soul from the Graveyard and one from my hand, and use them as tribute for my seal. I then set one card face down. Turn end."

Zarkus shows a satisfyed expression on his face.

OOC: Who the hell runs that card? D:

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ooc: sorry, I didn't see that.


Grim: My turn, Draw.


I gain 400.



Now I use Blaze Orb to special summon Phoenix Queen from my Graveyard. Now I destroy Black Phoenix to special summon Phoenix Guard from my graveyard. I summon a phoenix guard from my hand. Now I tune Phoenix Queen, my two Phoenix Guards, and Sakuya to summon Burst Phoenix. when Burst Phoenix is special summoned he destroys all other cards on the field. when Remilia is removed from the field I summon Bat tokens to fill my field.


[spoiler=cards used]






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Brandon looked at the runners. "The last one looks good. the second one looks...kind of weird. how about the last one. It has a speed accelarator." he said as the shopkeeper came out of the storage room. "So Solomon. Do you still use the half off if they beat you in a duel." Solomon just nodded.

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OOC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-111146-post-2039240.html That RP.


Zarkus took note of Grim's offer.

"He will be... quite a powerful ally. I might even win the tournament with him. Oh well, time to pick up my Duel Runner from the shop."

Zarkus walks over to the game shop and notices Eric and Brandon dueling.

"Why do I always run into these guys? Oh well, might as well watch after I ask the guy."

Zarkus went over and inquired about his Duel runner. The manager told him it would take about another hour to get it ready.

"Perfect. That should be enough time to watch them duel"

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ooc: actually I am dueling the Shop owner

"I activate Black Sun Zone.....and I summon Vikki, archer of the black Sun and set 1 card and end my turn"

hand: 3


me: 2800

you: 4000





[spoiler=Effect]By sending 2 monsters on your side of the field to the Graveyard you can, destroy 1 card on the field and inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents Life Points. Each time your opponent takes damage, send 1 card from the bottom of there deck to the Graveyard equal to the amount of battle damage they have taken x500. When this card is destroyed, you can send 3 cards from the bottom of your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card during the End Phase.


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