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Yu gi oh Tag Team Force Chapter 2: ( started) Still accepting


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Brandon smriked. "Final...Judgement." Brandon activates the Trap card Final Jugdement. "Here's how It works. I draw a card you have to guess the card type." Brandon draws a card. "What is it?" "Lets hope it turns out as planned."




[spoiler= Reapers Judgement]

Trap Card

This card can only activate if your opponent activates a Spell Card. Draw 1 card. Your opponent must guess the card type (Monster, Spell, Trap). If right, destroy all monsters you control and take 1500 damage. If wrong, negate and destroy the Spell Card and inflict 1000 damage.



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ooc: haha thanks dude


"I believe i just won. I have three monsters in my graveyard. so now i can special summon DARK ARMED DRAGON! NOW FINISH THIS FIGHT WITH DARK GIGA BLASTER!"


brandon: 0


Desperado: 3000


"you were the most challenging opponent i have ever faced and you have now gained my respect."

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OOC: haha you think it was that easy?


A giant Machine blocked the attack. Brandon smirked. "just as planned. You were easy to find out right there. and thanks to that I removed from play what my face down card was, Acguy when he was in my graveyard to negate the battle."


Brandon: 1700

Desperado: 30000



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OOC: the main bad guys gotta have some form of revenge shouldn't he? I'm trying to give you a reason for Desperado to get revenge on Brandon. By basically humiliating your deck with a deck he made randomly in 5 seconds.


"My turn. I'll set activate the spell card Field Advantage. As long as this card is on the field, I gain 500 Life Points during my End Phase but I can't attack. I'll end my turn."


Brandon: 1200

Desperado: 3000


[spoiler= Field Advantage]

Continuous Spell Card

This card can only be activated during Main Phase 1 of your turn. Gain 500 Life Points during each of your End Phases. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase the turn this card was activated.



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Brandon took his turn. "I'll activate the Spell Card Ending Rain." A giant rainstorm destroys Brandon face dowm monster and both Desperado and Brandon take 500 damage. "Since that was Angellic Knight, you take 1000 damage when she was destroyed. Next I'll activate Mask of Armageddon. i'll choose Horus. Now we both take damage equal to half his ATK." a giant mask then explodes and shards of Horus stab Desperado and Brandon.


Brandon: 0

Desperado: 500





[spoiler= Ending Rain]

Spell Card

Destroy 1 card on the field and inflict 500 damage to both player's Life Points.



[spoiler= Mask of Armageddon]

Spell Card

Destroy 1 monster on the field and both players take damage equal to half the original ATK or DEF of that card. This card cannot activate if the monster has over 3200 ATK.



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