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Working Duel Runner

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Look no offense but where do you think you are' date=' in a cartoon...


Working duel runner... Get serious



modifying a motorcycle isn't that hard

the real problem comes in when you can't make it display the duel field on a screen,other stuff,and chat with other people on it and being able to see it and go over 100 MPH without getting pulled over


he also expects to get away from being arrested by dueling and winning the cop

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Yea he isn't really talking about just modifying a bike here...


If you did get some sort of computer to work for it (would cost ridiculous price) and did all the customization... The possibility of dueling is 0 how could you concentrate on riding and dueling at same time it wouldn't work sorry legowait but join the real world...

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[align=center]i hate to say it but aint gonna work:

1: the cards could be blown away to easily.

2: it will cost way too much money to actually do this

3: u would have to be riding neck to neck to have a decent duel

4: not to many people will do this because its not exactly worth it

5: with the technology we have its impossible to have a "Working Duel Runner"

6: u would end up paying for a lot of hospital bills

7: it would ruin a lot of good bikes[/align]

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BMG isnt banned, why did you think that <_<


anyway this wont work.... at all. if you think it will work please explain to me HOW you will use it properly (oh and modifying a bike like that is BAD because if its not placed correctly it can be heavy & unbalanced, which will give you a 1 way ticket to a hospital room...)

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i said she's banned from this post and i have changed my idea from duel runner to mobile dueling by standing or sitting on a large wooden plank with wheels and pulled by bike and if you fall off you lose 1000LP


i laughed really hard at the falling off and taking damage in the duel,especially since your supposed to make it so they can't easily fall off


at least it's more possible than a duel runner


one question,how do you duel on the plank when they are driving the bike?

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