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[spoiler=What I'm Going To Get]

Monsters: 21

Van'Dalgyon x2

Caius x2

Raiza x2

Ryu Kokki


Pyramid Turtle x3

Spirit Reaper

Krebons x2

Zombie Master x2

Mask of Darkness x2


Kycoo x2


Spells: 10

Allure x2

Monster Reborn

Book of Life x2





Brain Control


Traps: 9

Divine Wrath x2

Trap Dustshoot


Bribe x3

CED x2


10 or less Synchros




Please don't suggest fixes with a total cost of 200 or more dollars. Thanks.


[spoiler=What I Have]

Monsters: 19

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Ryu Kokki

Zombie Master

Pyramid Turtle x3

Snipe Hunter/Sangan

Spirit Reaper

Bountiful Artemis x2

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

Exiled Force


Morphing Jar

Mask of Darkness x2


Spells: 8

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Monster Reborn

Book of Life x2

Heavy Storm

Card of Safe Return

Card Destruction


Traps: 13

Threatening Roar x2

Compulsory Evac. Device x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Divine Wrath x2

Torrential Tribute

Trap Dustshoot

Seven Tools of the Bandit x2


Extra: 3

Colossal Fighter

Goyo Guardian

Thought Ruler Archfiend



[spoiler=Other Cards I Have That Could Work]

D.D. Warrior Lady



Diamond Dude





I know what I have isn't very good, but it's the best I can salvage right now.

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you would do better to mix it with zombie world.


counter world


16| Monsters


1| Chaos Sorcerer

1| Despair from the Dark

3| Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

2| Il Blud


2| Pyramid Turtle

2| Bountiful Artemis

1| Goblin Zombie

1| Zombie Master

1| Mezuki

1| Plaguespreader Zombie

1| Sangan


12| Spells


2| Allure Of Darkness

2| Trade-in

3| Zombie World

2| Book Of Life

1| Monster Gate/ Brain Control / Lightning Vortex/ card of safe return

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm


13| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

3| Solemn Judgment

3| Divine Wrath

2| Dark Bribe

2| Destruction Jammer

2| Drastic Drop Off


15| Extra Deck



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