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The shop to be at OPENED!!! 5 workers!

Star Child

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dude you there, I would like OCG fixes, 7 but if you do well I will pay you 20 points

1:This card gains 1 counter every time this card attacks. This card gains 400 attack for each counter's he has.

2:Dave was in the Six Samurais but he decided to quit. Dave is now A Dragon Slayer.

3:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 Seven Assasins in your graveyard. During your Standby Phases, inflict damages to your opponent's life point's equals to your opponent's monsters x300.

4:This card can't be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be special summoned by discarding all cards in your hand and all your LP except 1. This card gains 500 attack for each direct attack's he does to your opponent. This card can't be targeted by spell's or trap's.

5:This card can't be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be special summoned by discarding all cards in your hand and all your LP except 1. This card gains 500 attack for each direct attack's he does to your opponent. This card can't be targeted by spell's or trap's.

6:You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you have a Seven Assasin on your side of the field. While "Seven Assasin-Master Kenshin" is on you side of the field, this card cannot be selected as a attack target. You can pay 500 LP to make this card gain 500 ATK during the Battle Phase.

7:If this card is sent from your hand to the graveyard by A opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card on your side of the field in attack position.

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