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Ancient Gear Synchro Deck *feel free to mock*

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Yes you may feel free to mock this deck. You may feel free, but it isn't free. It costs 1 imaginary dollar. My deck-IRL. Kay here is my deck:


Ancient Gear Synchro Deck: (46) I need help reducing the number to 40.




High Level- (6)

Ancient Gear Golem x2

Evil Hero Malicious Edge

Ancient Gear Beast

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera

Barrel Dragon


Low Level- (16)

Ancient Gear Knight x2

Ancient Gear Soldier x2

Ancient Gear x3

Heavy Mech Support Platform x3

Junk Synchron x2

Giant Rat x2

Nitro Synchron

Exiled Force


Spells: (19)


Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex

Limiter Removal

Swords of Revealing Light

Magnet Circle LV2

Machine Duplication x2

Geartown x2

Monster Reborn

Ancient Gear Castle

Ancient Gear Drill x2

Ancient Gear Factory

Ancient Gear Workshop x2

Ancient Gear Tank

Pot of Avarice


Traps: (7)

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Threatening Roar x2

Magic Jammer

Draining Shield

Magic Cylinder


I frogot the extra deck:


Extra Deck:

Stardust Dragon x2

Armory Arm x3

Nitro Synchron

Magical Android

Goyo Guardian

7 more synchros

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I'm not great with Ancient Gears, but generally, you should not be running non-chainable Traps, unless it is Torrential Tribute, or sometimes Mirror Force. If you're going to run Traps that negate Spells and Traps, the only good ones are Dark Bribe and Solemn Judgment.


You're running 2 Geartown. Why not run a 3rd and also run 3 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon? Also take out all "Ancient Gear" Spell cards, and replace them with more useful Spells such as Brain Control and Heavy Storm. As for monsters, take out all the Tribute monsters, and replace with better monsters such as Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, Cyber Dragon, Card Trooper and Jinzo. There are also a lot more changes that this deck needs, but this is a start.

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