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Duel Academy. New Assignment for the Third Semester!!!


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New Assignment:


i expect everyone who posts to participate. this will be the first assignment of the third semester. as for what the assignment is' date=' each dorm is going to work together to create their own set. it will up to the current heads of dorms to determine how many people from their dorm are active and will be helping out. it will also be up to them to decide what the theme of the set will be, and to make sure the cards are balanced. the set will be 25 cards, so divide the work accordingly. this assignment will be due one week from monday.[/quote']
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sorry i've been gone awhile guys. my internet's been down. i'm actually running on a jury rigged connection now, so it could fail at any time. just a reminder, the dorm sets are due in one week. if any heads of dorms need any help, pm me. i'll get back to you as soon as i can. now, since i don't want to push my luck with this internet thing, i'm gonna shut down for awhile. it should be fixed in the next day or so.

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if emo's banned' date=' depending on how long, we may need to pospone the assignment. i'm extending it a week, just to be safe. i'm also not going to be able to get on for a few days at least. my internet is down. i'm using a friend's computer right now.



So who is taking care of Slifer till Emo's return? and the assignment isn't due until.....June 22nd now?

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emo was banned...? wow, good thing i'm not in slifer dorm!

I hate being banned... I wonder what it's for? probably some @$$hole being stupid and emo's tired of it. I've been there before: it's not fun.

EDIT: sorry for double posting. So now when is the assignment due? I can fix up my set before i submit it to my head of dorm.(larry cotter, I read your fanfic!)

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