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Duel Academy. New Assignment for the Third Semester!!!


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hey guys i need some help. You know when you make a card on the card maker, the text gets smaller by bigger texts.The problem is, i want the text to be on the whole effectbox, just like real cards. For example, compare this card to my own-made Judgment dragon:



Can you see the difference in the texts, the real Judgment Dragon has his text hit the textboxes and all sides. While mine text is smaller, not hitting all sides and looks obviously very fake. What i usually do when this happens, is making extra spaces between words, so the text hits the textbox on the right side, but the problem still remains on the bottomside, it won't hit the bottom side because the text gets smaller when you have more text.


What i would like to see, is a tutorial or anything else to fix this problem on photoshop, or at least tell me which font i have to use on photoshop. I hope you can help me :)

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hey guys i need some help. You know when you make a card on the card maker' date=' the text gets smaller by bigger texts.The problem is, i want the text to be on the whole effectbox, just like real cards. For example, compare this card to my own-made Judgment dragon:

[img']http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/thumb/e/e8/JudgmentDragonLODT-EN-ScR-1E.png/300px-JudgmentDragonLODT-EN-ScR-1E.png[/img] 111264.jpg


Can you see the difference in the texts, the real Judgment Dragon has his text hit the textboxes and all sides. While mine text is smaller, not hitting all sides and looks obviously very fake. What i usually do when this happens, is making extra spaces between words, so the text hits the textbox on the right side, but the problem still remains on the bottomside, it won't hit the bottom side because the text gets smaller when you have more text.


What i would like to see, is a tutorial or anything else to fix this problem on photoshop, or at least tell me which font i have to use on photoshop. I hope you can help me :)


I don't know abot the online card maker but I can still do it in the portable version I use...



Obiously this is a little more realistic....I guess....I tried to change the original templates so they looked more like real cards.


Edit: I just noticed that I misstypep judgment dragon's name T_T anyway....I managed to put it a "secret holo sheet" to the program but I got to make it more realistic...XD

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hey guys i need some help. You know when you make a card on the card maker' date=' the text gets smaller by bigger texts.The problem is, i want the text to be on the whole effectbox, just like real cards. For example, compare this card to my own-made Judgment dragon:

[img']http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/thumb/e/e8/JudgmentDragonLODT-EN-ScR-1E.png/300px-JudgmentDragonLODT-EN-ScR-1E.png[/img] 111264.jpg


Can you see the difference in the texts, the real Judgment Dragon has his text hit the textboxes and all sides. While mine text is smaller, not hitting all sides and looks obviously very fake. What i usually do when this happens, is making extra spaces between words, so the text hits the textbox on the right side, but the problem still remains on the bottomside, it won't hit the bottom side because the text gets smaller when you have more text.


What i would like to see, is a tutorial or anything else to fix this problem on photoshop, or at least tell me which font i have to use on photoshop. I hope you can help me :)


I don't know abot the online card maker but I can still do it in the portable version I use...



Obiously this is a little more realistic....I guess....I tried to change the original templates so they looked more like real cards.


Edit: I just noticed that I misstypep judgment dragon's name T_T anyway....I managed to put it a "secret holo sheet" to the program but I got to make it more realistic...XD


Could you please tell me how you did that. It looks so awesome can you learn me. I dont have many points tho :( And could you give me those templates, i'll even gather points...

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I will like to make a tut....too bad my english sucks...anyway I can still explain it this way

I got the templates from the program which are darker than this one...

much like the ones used in the online card maker.

the I took a real card's scan and change the lighting and contrast of the fake one so they look the most similar as posible

then I went by the programs codes to change the given color of the text for one that looked even more similar to the real one.

also added new templates to the program to make holos and stuff.

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I am not sure how to do that.And a question is that card contest here still going on???


yes. its in the card contest section under "End of Semester Assignment" or something along those lines.


New Semester Assignment actually.


@nightwing - Post the cards in the Contest topic. I will judge them there.

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I'll try that out' date=' but i'm curious, how did you make the text hit the textbox? It looks so real, i hope you can make a tut of it, i'll even try to make the english better, even if i'm not english myself (im dutch lol)



I had swear you were chilean.....XD you know. Chileno4Live.


As for the tuts I could give it a shot soon....but meanwhile anybody who wants a card in this style may ask me and I'll do it for you.



Hey emo what is that Redsworn thing?

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indeed...the onl thing apart from it looking more realistic is that I managed to make the test fit the card...in long effects.


as I was talking to chilean4live....

but is only a offer if you want....

a contribution for the club since those are my trademark XD



also I can make Synchros and dark synchros with it. (which old generator didn't have)

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