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Duel Academy. New Assignment for the Third Semester!!!


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The New Duel Academy is Open!



Fly our new banner (compliments of Obsidian) in your signature!


[spoiler=[size=x-small]Alternative Banners[/size]]




















All Club Members...

Check Out Obsidian's Site!


New Assignment News Posted!!!

Check Under "Assignments" for New Debate and Other News





[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]New Club Assignment(s)[/color]]


**Read All of This Before Hand!!!**


sorry for not being around much over the last day or so. i've been putting together a new assignment. i expect everyone who posts to participate. this will be the first assignment of the third semester. as for what the assignment is, each dorm is going to work together to create their own set. it will up to the current heads of dorms to determine how many people from their dorm are active and will be helping out. it will also be up to them to decide what the theme of the set will be, and to make sure the cards are balanced. the set will be 25 cards, so divide the work accordingly. this assignment will be due one week from monday.


Upcoming Card Contest!!

The card contest, which is required, can be found here.


Also, we have two end of semester awards to give out...


Duel King of Duel Academy

I've finished going through past duels and it's clear that our best duelist at this time is...



Most Helpful Member


For his work on the YVD Custom Card Program and on the club banner. Thanks Obsidian.


We also have to award our...

Head of Class

The member with the most points

Congrats .:Lawliet:.


In other news, Obsidian has moved up to Obelisk Blue!


New Debate!


would it help or hurt yugioh if a character died? permanently. as in they cannot be brought back.


the inspiration for this topic is the constant near-dire fates of the characters in yugioh 5d's. in every recent duel a main character has nearly died, and their opponent, who is always someone with significance has (as far as we know) died. for real.


so far no one in yugioh has ever died (with the exception of marik's father in a flashback, and only in the japanese version). do you think that the death of a main character would increase the drama and realism of the story, or would it ruin the whole thing? choose your own position. you will receive points based on how well you make your point.



in other news...

a club members only tournament is coming. created archetypes will be allowed, but all duels must take place in the DA Arena, and all archetypes must be approved by me first.




[spoiler=[b]The Entrance Exam[/b]]

This Exam is Three Parts


Part One

Q & A


Username (1 point):

Date (1 point):


Answer all questions completely. Spelling counts. PM me your answers. DO NOT post them in the thread.


1. Who created "Yu-Gi-Oh!", and in what year was "Yu-Gi-Oh!" first copyrighted? (2 points)



2. What is the signature card of Seto Kaiba, and how many copies of that card exist in the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Anime/Manga? (2 points)



3. How can "Stardust Dragon" be Synchro Summoned in the first turn of a duel using four or fewer cards? (3 points)



4. What two families of monsters are used by Jaden Yuki in the spinoff series "Yu-Gi-Oh GX"? (3 points)



5. Which of these cards has an effect that involves Battle Damage (1 point)

A) "Ring of Destruction"

B) "Dimension Wall"

C) "Magic Cylinder"

D) None of these.



6. Who is the main protagonist (hero) of the most recent spinoff series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's"? (2 points)



7. What dorm do you want, Slifer Red, Obelisk Blue, or Ra Yellow (we need some for each, so you might not get your first choice)




Score: _ /15 (_ %)


Part Two

Card Making


Create one card using the Card Maker. I will assign it zero, one, or two points based on craftsmanship and (more importantly) originality. The card must support an existing monster, type, or archetype that you feel has been overlooked.


If you do not know of an archetype, use one of the following:


-Crystal Beast



Part Three

Duel Portion


You can either challenge me to a duel (via pm) in the Duel Academia Arena for a chance at extra points, or you can solve the following Duel Puzzle for three points:


In your hand you have The Cheerful Coffin, Zure, Knight of Dark World, Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World, and Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World. You have nothing on the field and only 400 Life Points.


Your opponent has out two copies of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, as well as White Magical Hat equipped with Axe of Despair. He has 4200 Life Points remaining. How can you win this turn?


You CAN skip the duel portion and instead ask for more questions, if you are someone who watches the show but does not play the game.




[spoiler=Regarding Obsidian's Site]

This is a list of steps that you must follow to download the cards from Obsidian's site to your Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop:


1. DOWNLOAD the new .set file from the website (4shared). Make sure you save to your Desktop first.

2. Go into My Computer > Program Files > Yugioh Virtual Desktop

3. Make sure you make a copy of the ORIGINAL yvd.set file. Save it in a folder or something away as a backup.

4. Drag and Drop the new set file into the Yugioh Virtual Desktop folder. THE MAIN FOLDER! Not any of the other folders inside.

5. It should ask you overwrite unless you sent the original to the Recycle Bin already. If it does ask to Overwrite, say "Yes to all".





If you have a request for one of the following, pm the appropriate teacher listed below. they will help as best they can.


*OCG or Deck help: Obsidian

*Splicing: legendhiro (limited, i'm still learning)

*Recoloring/Dark Synchros: .:Lawliet:. (DA members will receive free services at his shop)

*Banner Making: ⌡Ğǿkậ ńǿ Řŷµµ⌠

*Rendering: legendhiro (again, pretty limited, but i'll do what i can)

*Fanfic Grammar Checking/Editing: legendhiro

*Card Effect Help/Balancing: .:Mirage:.





[spoiler=General Info]

the premise of this club is simple. here you can talk yugioh (including spinoffs and abridged), debate (i will schedule a few later), ask for help with cards/OCG, display graphics stuff, and whatever else. but to make it in, you must pass the Entrance Exam. don't worry, it won't be too hard. I will periodically post more tests and assignments. your score will earn you points. the test questions can be anything to do with what has been going on in the club, plus some random questions about "Yu-Gi-Oh!" itself. try to learn all that you can before the tests, which will be posted pretty regularly, but please don't cheat and look up answers. this is a school, right?


also, NEVER post test answers in the thread. PM them to me.


all-in-all, this is a place for people to come together and make friends and better themselves and those around them. I hope you join, and i hope you have fun.






[spoiler=Dueling at Duel Academy]

you can also duel people here. you can use up to five banned cards in your deck, but you cannot use both envoys or both raigeki and harpie's feather duster. if you wish to participate in a duel, you must pm me a deck, and i must approve it. yes, decks will be made public and placed on the first page. if you use more than five banned cards in a duel, you use both envoys or both raigeki and harpie's feather duster in a duel, or you use a card not listed in the deck you pm'ed me, you will not be allowed in this club anymore. also, try not to use the metagame here any more than is necessary. the point of this club is to learn more about the game. also know the rulings on your cards. wiki is your friend. and don't cheat. i'm a tournament judge. i'll know if you're cheating (probably).


.:Lawliet:. has been appointed Head of Dueling. he will be in charge of watching for cheating. anyone who duels must, at the end of each of their posts in which one or more cards were played/set, post how many LP they have left, how many face-down monsters, spells, and traps they have, and how many cards are in their Grave. you must also list the cards in your Grave when requested by your opponent, .:L:., or me.


New Rule:

members can now use up to three created cards, if i approve them. if you want to submit a created card(s), pm them to me.


You will score a point in a duel for...


-Summoning a high level monster without the normal tributes, or in the same turn in which the tribute(s) is summoned.

-Destroying a powerful monster with a combo involving a weaker monster.

-Destroying spell/trap cards.

-Destroying your opponent's attacking monster with a Trap.

-Keeping control of the field for any length of time (example: having more cards out that your opponent for more than one turn).

-Summoning multiple monsters in a turn.



-Winning with your opponent's monster under your control via Monster Reborn.

-Winning with Exodia.

-Other combinations that i find particularly brilliant.


You will also receive three additional points if you duel me, but I won't except too many challenges and it will likely be me that challenge you, not the other way around.


Duels will be held at the Duel Academia Arena





as you win duels and pass tests/do well in discussions or debates, you will earn points. the more points you have the higher your place in the class. at the end of each semester (month-ish) a new "King of Duel Academy" will be crowned. their name will be displayed on this page.





don't spam, don't flame, and follow the forum rules. i will not tolerate continuous rule breaking. i will kick you out and report you. sorry, that's just how i roll.






.:Lawliet:. (Dueling)

Obsidian (Duel Academia Arena/DA YVD Project)

All Heads of Dorms




*Obsidian (18 Points)


*「tea.leaf」(29 Points)

*Sleepy (20 Points)

*Armadilloz (20 Points)

*arkel (15 Points; Dorm)

*.:Cloud Strife:. (34 Points)

*harig07 (15 Points)

*BDR (24 Points)

*DarkAnarchist (15 Points)

*tyler ex (15 Points)

*mako tha shark-man (15 Points)

*Seiyaryu (15 Points)

*sonicfan31 (15 Points)

*awesomemax (15 Points)

*goldenboy820 (15 Points)

*DNovaKnight (35 Points)

*Dark Heart (20 Points)




*.:Lawliet:. (Honorary Obelisk Blue) (56 Points)


*Master Fury (13 Points)

*Haseo (14 Points)

*~Olimars~ (14 Points)

*OrcMan321 (15 Points)

*.:Mirage:. (13 Points)

*Soul Immortal (13 Points)

*The Fool (14 Points)

*cacnea (11 Points)

*spider5667 (14 Points)

*shadowgate11 (11 Points)

*demonicfatazn (12 Points)

*LarryCotter (20 Points)

*Random Xing (20 Points)

*jacoby746 (19 Points)

*baroque (20 Points)

*Benny D, or ~AuXiLiArY~ (20 Points)

*SuperGripActionJesus (Pending/13 Points)

*radio414 (25 Points)

*Moldfire (20 Points)




*~Emo~ (26 Points)


*jjackv2 (16 Points)

*~CaRnAgE~ (12 Points)

*.:True Destiny:. (14 Points)

*wejkoo (13 Points)

*⌡Ğǿkậ ńǿ Řŷµµ⌠ (17 Points)

*Jurrasic (15 Points)

*Chileno4Live (16 Points)

*milleniumpuzzle123 (15 Points)

*nightwing2199 (12 Points)

*Neilsweaky (13 Points)

*muffinblobbster.webs.com (11 Points)

*Lionheart (14 Points)

*1337noob (11 Points)

*Kenjutsushi (15 Points)

*Verlocity (10 Points)

*Mig8 (7 Points)

*Legendary Tapion (17 Points)

*DarkHorse21 (16 Points)

*Ayasato-chan (19 Points)

*Jopach (Pending/14 Points)

*Chaos Impact™ (16 Points)

*Flavour (20 Points)


[spoiler=Member Decks]

See the "Duel Academia Arena".










[spoiler=Expelled from Duel Academy]







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future placements, by semester, will be influenced by points. but for now i want people to have some control over it. fixed question five, and you guys are all in.


*EDIT* i decided that the entrance exam will partially determine placement. anyone who gets perfect can choose blue, but others must choose from red or yellow. sent pm's to you three about your exam results. if anyone wants corrections, pm me.

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once i get a few more people i'm gonna start up a debate or general discussion on an assigned topic. we might also do card contests, maybe rp's, gfx rating, ocg help, and anything else that helps people learn more about yugioh and YCM. you can also duel people here (except during debates, etc.) once you've done everything in the "Dueling at Duel Academy" section in the first post.

~Emo~ has sent in his answers and is accepted. welcome!

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  '~Emo~ said:

Do I have to send you my deck? Can we have more than 1? Can we use YCM made cards?


YCM cards will be allowed later' date=' but for now stick to one deck of real cards that meets the criteria above. i will let you know of new policies as they are finalized.



Why me? I got a freaking perfect score. Oh, well.


cause you are smart enough to balance it out well. and don't worry, if someone else joins in red before the debate, you can be in yellow.

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