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My Personalised Beat Down Deck


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I have played this deck for a while, changing it slightly every now and again. But for now, it's like this:


Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Saber Beetle



Chainsaw Insect X2

DD Assailant

DD Warrior Lady

Exiled Force

Goblin Attack Force X2


Marauding Captain X3

Morphing Jar

Snipe Hunter


Penguin Soldier

Reflect Bounder

Slate Warrior



Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Premature Burial

Reinforcement of the Army

Hammer Shot

Swords of Revealing Light

Wave Motion Cannon X3


Bottomless Trap Hole

Call of the haunted

Magic Cylinder

Raigeki break (stands in for Ring of D since the new banlist)

Sakuretsu Armor X3

Torrential Tribute


That's it. From tournament experience, this deck works well against users of spellcasters, and often beats the six samurai, but is weak against darkworld cards for some reason... or maybe that's just my luck!

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