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Jake and mars are steel at it and then clarie runs up

clarie: r u guys done yet

Jake: no but im going to finish it run away clarie this isn't going to be pretty (clarie runs off then jake elbows mars's gut then kicks his pivides and mars falls down then jake graps his leg and breaks it)


(jake picks up his phone)

Jake: herms its me jake im going to need a pick up

Herms: ok ill send z15530as4l

Jake: ok (he then lives the seen)

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Ryuji: (Finally, the girls are asleep) Now remember Kimi, the girls all wake up at different times, when they do ask them what they want to eat,I'll come back with groceries.


Kimi:Okay, are you going to school today oni-san?


Ryuji:Yeah, but I'll come back, you know that. you guys are my family after all.(Ryuji leaves the Orphanage where he works at, just so you know he lives in the attic.)

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Name: Christian Studdard

Age: 14(Freshman)

Appearance: http://miaow.deviantart.com/art/ Bust-Round-3-86208380 (Ignore The Girl)


1st: Gym

2nd: Math(Or Algebra)

3rd: Science

4th: French

5th: Computers or AGP, it varies

& 6th: History(The favorite; so he can endure the others; excluding computers/AGP)

Friends: Mariah, Leon, & Eric

Bio: Christian made it into the School because of Grades. Christian only likes Gym, Computers/AGP, & History. He only does the other because he has to. He used to go to Irmo Middle, & he has a band here called Greenwood.

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