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Listless Exodia World

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I am fully aware of the list status of the following cards. This is experimental, and was made to show how good Exodia'd be in a listless game.


Monsters: 19


Exodia x5

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander x3

Witch of the Black Forest x3

Sangan x2

Mezuki x3

Zombie Master x3


Spells: 21


Card of Safe Return x3

Zombie World x3

Pot of Greed x3

Dark Hole x3

Monster Reborn x3

Premature Burial x2

Painful Choice x2

Graceful Charity x2

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seems like an alright deck' date=' mite need a few traps maybe, and also if its a listless exodia world, how cum u havnt got exodia necross, exodd master of the guard and the other newish exodia kind of card? otherwise 8.8/10 deck



This deck is meant to prove how powerful a listless exodia deck could be, not to prove how much those other exodia cards suck




I'd like to see graceful charities.

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You have 5 Exodia(?)' date=' but none of the arms/legs. That makes your deck fail.



Are you stupid?


Graceful Charity... Secondly' date=' you need a way of getting DCOM back in the Grave after you summon it.



Dark Holes should work. Thanks. I'll try to fit some Graceful(s) in too.



seems like an alright deck' date=' mite need a few traps maybe, and also if its a listless exodia world, how cum u havnt got exodia necross, exodd master of the guard and the other newish exodia kind of card? otherwise 8.8/10 deck



This isn't funny. At this point it's just disturbing.


seems like an alright deck' date=' mite need a few traps maybe, and also if its a listless exodia world, how cum u havnt got exodia necross, exodd master of the guard and the other newish exodia kind of card? otherwise 8.8/10 deck



This deck is meant to prove how powerful a listless exodia deck could be, not to prove how much those other exodia cards suck




I'd like to see graceful charities.


KK I will. ;)

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Monsters (26)

5x The Exodia Pieces (1 each)

3x Armageddon Knight

3x Cyber Jar

3x Dark Grepher

3x Emissary of the Afterlife

3x Magician of Faith

3x Sangan

3x WotBF


Spells (13)

3x Dark Eruption

3x Graceful Charity

3x Painful Choice

3x Pot of Greed

1x Dark Factory of Mass Production


Traps (1)

1x CCV



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Heh, interesting. They're all completely different builds though lol. I'mma test them mine against arkel's.


Duel 1: Arkel's Build vs. ~ P O L A R I S ~'s build


Arkel's Build starts off.


DP: Draw (Hand-6)




I activate Graceful Charity, I draw 3 cards and discard Cyber Jar and Dark Grepher. (Hand-6)


I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards. (Hand-7)


I Set 1 Monster Card in face-down Defense Position. (Hand-6)


I Set 1 Spell or Trap Card face-down. (Hand-5)


I activate Painful Choice. I select and show Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Magician of Faith, Cyber Jar, and Magician of Faith. Opponent selects Cyber Jar to add to your hand, rest are discarded to the Graveyard. (Hand-5)


I activate Dark Factory of Mass Production, adding Right Leg of the Forbidden One and Left Leg of the Forbidden One from my Graveyard to my hand. (Hand-6)






Turn is ended.


~ P O L A R I S ~'s Build's Turn


DP: Draw (Hand-6) Arkel's Build activates Crush Card Virus, Tributing their face-down Cyber Jar. ~ P O L A R I S ~'s hand is revealed, showing Pot of Greed, Card of Safe Return, Zombie Master, Graceful Charity, Dark Hole, and Premature Burial. Zombie Master is discarded.

SP: None




I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards. Monster Reborn and Card of Safe Return are drawn and revealed by Crush Card Virus. (Hand-6)


I activate Card of Safe Return. (Hand-5)


I activate Card of Safe Return. (Hand-4)


I activate Graceful Charity, I draw 3, (Witch of the Black Forest, Card of Safe Return,

and Dark Hole are revealed by Crush Card Virus) and discard Witch of the Black Forest and Zombie Master. (Hand-4)


I activate Card of Safe Return. (Hand-3)


I activate Monster Reborn, I Special Summon Witch of the Black Forest from my Graveyard, and draw 3 cards from my Card of Safe Returns, they're revealed by Crush Card Virus (Mezuki, Pot of Greed, and Zombie Master) Mezuki and Zombie Master are discarded. (Hand-3)


I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards, they're revealed by Crush Card Virus (Right Arm of the Forbidden One and Premature Burial.) (Hand-4)


I remove from play Mezuki from my Graveyard to Special Summon Zombie Master from my Graveyard, it's destroyed by Crush Card Virus, but I draw 3 cards from my Card of Safe Returns. (Mezuki, Sangan, and Zombie World.) Mezuki is discarded. (Hand-6)


I activate Zombie World. (Hand-5)


I remove from play Mezuki from my Graveyard to Special Summon Zombie Master from my Graveyard, it's destroyed by Crush Card Virus, but I draw 3 cards from my Card of Safe Returns. (Destiny Hero - Disk Commander, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, and Dark Hole.) (Hand-8)


I activate Premature Burial on Zombie Master, I lose 800 LP, Zombie Master is destroyed, and I draw 3 cards from Card of Safe Returns. (Sangan, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One.) (Hand-10)


I activate Premature Burial on Zombie Master, I lose 800 LP, Zombie Master is destroyed, and I draw 3 cards from Card of Safe Return. (Monster Reborn, Zombie World, Witch of the Black Forest. (Hand-12)


I activate Monster Reborn on Zombie Master, Zombie Master is destroyed, and I draw 3 cards from Card of Safe Return. (Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed, and Painful Choice.) (Hand-14)


I activate Monster Reborn on Zombie Master, Zombie Master is destroyed, and I draw 3 cards from Card of Safe Return. (Graceful Charity, Zombie Master, and Mezuki.) Mezuki is discarded. (Hand-16)


I remove from play Mezuki from my Graveyard to Special Summon Zombie Master from my Graveyard, Zombie Master is destroyed, and I draw 3 cards from Card of Safe Return. (Witch of the Black Forest, Painful Choice, and Destiny Hero - Disk Commander.) (Hand-19)


I activate Pot of Greed. I draw 2 cards (Zombie World and Left Arm of the Forbidden One.) (Hand-20).


~ P O L A R I S ~ wins the duel by the win condition of Exodia, the Forbidden One's effect.


Ironically, your own CCV sorta messed you up, and the fact that you're a little too monster-heavy.


I'll test against sbdnate's build later.

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The CCV is there to Tribute Sangan and then search an Exodia piece... why did you Tribute Cyber Jar? I playtested my build in WC09 (I used the no-banlist cheat), and it works wonders. I realize it's monster heavy for most builds, but every monster revolves around searching Exodia very quickly, so I don't think it's too much of a problem. I was debating Cyber Jar because it might summon an Exodia piece, but I think it would be wiser to keep Cyber Jar and neg some of the Grephers/Armageddon Knights for Graveyard-Exodia searchers, e.g. more Dark Factory.


Oh, and I just noticed you kept destroying your Zombie Master when you Special Summoned it via Mezuki while CCV was still in effect. CCV kills stuff that's already there and the stuff you draw, but if you SS a monster from the Grave after CCV is activated with 1500 or more ATK it stays.

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The CCV is there to Tribute Sangan and then search an Exodia piece... why did you Tribute Cyber Jar? I playtested my build in WC09 (I used the no-banlist cheat)' date=' and it works wonders. I realize it's monster heavy for most builds, but every monster revolves around searching Exodia very quickly, so I don't think it's too much of a problem. I was debating Cyber Jar because it might summon an Exodia piece, but I think it would be wiser to keep Cyber Jar and neg some of the Grephers/Armageddon Knights for Graveyard-Exodia searchers, e.g. more Dark Factory.



Eh, the opposing Deck was also Exodia, so it would've helped them just as much had it activated. =/ And yeah, you will need more Grave searchers. ;) My build got lucky though with 3 COSRs in first 10 cards.

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