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The Rules of the Fanfic Section


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Danilus has a thread like this but I feel its' a mere reiteration of the site rules, so I'll define a few more in-depth points as well as reusing the key ones of his:


1. PLEASE KEEP THIS AGE-APPROPRIATE: There are some young kids here, so please keep everything under PG rating, please. This includes:

a) Swearing

b) Explicit sexual content

c) Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, beliefs, etc.

d) Extreme content (such as extremely graphic [haha] violence)


Please remember that people of all ages view these forums and thus your fanfics should acknowledge this and keep it in the forefront of your mind. M-rated stuff is a big no-no, and I will ask you to edit it, remove it, or tone it down.



2. DON'T CLUTTER UP THE BOARD: You only need ONE thread for ONE fanfic. You DON'T need to be posting individual threads per chapter, and you definitely don't need to be posting "Table of Contents"-esque threads full of links (a table of contents/chapter list on the first post of your fanfic thread, however, is perfectly acceptable). Either edit your starting post in the thread or simply add a new reply to the end. If you post excess threads I'll simply delete them and copy their contents into another thread, often with less than desirable aesthetic results.


3. THIS SUBFORUM IS PART OF YCM: And as such, in addition to the specific rules of the fanfic section, ALL normal YCM rules, terms, and other such things also apply here, and that includes no flaming, no racial/religious/sexist slurs/discrimination, no posting of links/pictures of pornographic material or other 16/18/21+ content, respecting other members and no spamming. Use of common sense and basic courtesy should avoid all potential arguments.



If you fear your fanfic may be slightly infringing on one or more of these rules (ie. mild swearing, mild violence, etc.), include appropriate warning labels (PG+13, for example) or feel free to PM me about it, and I should be able to gauge the appropriate-ness of the chapter/section/idea in question.




Also, if you wish for an RP/fanfiction of yours to have specific posts deleted or locked (if it is completed and you want the entirety of it preserved and complete without any spam cluttering up the thread) you can arrange this with me over PM at any time.

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