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Space Game: The Devils Meteor[A Space Adventure][PG-16][Started][Still Accepting Via PM]

Soul Legacy

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Fiacre looked at the sketches of the Nuclear bombs very carefully. NASA should be lucky to have someone with Nuclear experience. Fiacre then noticed something. The Nuclear bombs couldn't go up to 155%, otherwise there would be problems. There was only one solution. Fiacre got a sheet of paper from his pocket, and wrote some supplies that he needed. "Agas?"

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--Oh, plot twister from Soul/Agas, nice.


Fiacre looked at the list, and then at Drake, and said, "You are VERY, lucky for me to be here." Fiacre walked to the supply room, and got all the materials he needed, and said, "Ugh, I need a certain room, a room where there is a lot of sunlight..."

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Fiacre looked at the list' date=' and then at Drake, and said, "You are VERY, lucky for me to be here." Fiacre walked to the supply room, and got all the materials he needed, and said, "Ugh, I need a certain room, a room where there is a lot of sunlight..."



"Use my room! It's on the sunny side of the building!" Drake replied. He showed Fiacre the way to his room.

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((HOLY s***. That was an amazing plot twist ;)))


Dom paused for a second' date=' out of breath.



Why thank you ;)







Oh well, theres always next RP ;)




"Im sorry Dom, i should have told you years ago......."

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Fiacre followed Drake to his room' date=' wondering what that feeling was before. He hated the feeling now. He never wanted to have that feeling ever again. Ever.



Drake opened the door. The sun was brighter in his room than in any part of the building. "Here! There should be enough space for you here!" he walked in and sat down on his bed. "So...what did you use to do before you got here?"

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"I work for the Government and the Military, and on contrary, I still do. I just came willingly to NASA to save the world. Not for my own personal desires and for the money. Be glad for that. Now, something else you need?" Fiacre demanded in a soft voice, while setting up everything in an organized matter.


--*Takes gun*

Damnit, I hate that-

*Rokujo appears*

Holy sheet, you're real?!

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Dom continued to smile, but they were interrupted as a group of men came in. "Are you Dominic?" Dom paused. "Yes?" The man nodded. "Good, we need to speak with you." Dom nodded and turned to Agas. "I'll see you a bit later then." he smiled and waved, and started to follow the men.

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