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Yata-Lock (without yata)

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total : 42

monsters : 19

3 caius the shadow monarch

2 raiza the storm monarch

1 chaos sorcerer

1 cyber dragon


3 thunderking rai-oh

1 breaker the magical warrior

1 mystic tomato

1 don zaloog

1 sangan

2 mask of darkness

1 spirit reaper

2 ryko, lightsworn hunter


spells : 10

2 book of moon

2 allure of darkness

1 swords of revealing light

1 giant trunade

1 soul exchange

1 monster reborn

1 brain control

1 pot of avarice


traps : 13

3 drastic drop off

3 begone, knave!

3 solemn judgement

2 bottomless trap hole

1 crush card virus

1 torrential tribute


extra deck : 15

1 chimeratech fortress dragon

1 red dragon archfiend

1 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 avenging knight parshath

1 stardust dragon

1 dark strike fighter

1 arcanite magician

1 black rose dragon

1 goyo guardian

1 tempest magician

1 queen of thorns

1 magical android

1 armory arm


side deck : 15

2 prime material dragon

2 trap eater

2 legendary jujitsu master

1 mystical space typhoon

2 twister

3 big burn

3 royal oppression


If you are wondering how you lock your oppoent :


1) Just like yata you need to put your opponent in topdeck mode.

2) Activate Begone, Knave!.

3) Flip Mask of Darkness and get Drastic Drop Off.

4) Attack with Mask of Darkness.

5) Begone, Knave! activates returning Mask of Darkness to your hand.

6) Set Mask of Darkness and Drastic Drop Off.

7) Activate Drastic Drop Off during your opponent's draw phase.

8) Repeat step 3 to 7 until you win.


It's like the tsuku-lock but instead of tsukuyomi you have to play begone, knave!. I need to find more cards that combo with begone, knave!. It doesn't work on dark worlds.

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never considered that. quite interesting.

you could final countdown in 10 turns like that. so simple :P

if your focus is around that combo, youll want more support for it.


i dont see pmd's purpose here, other than to be a light troll.

to be honest, i think you should drop the high level support.

you dont need monarchs or pmd here too much.

don zaloog might help though. as might thunder king to slow your opponent down.

soul exchange is a no. youll also want an mst.

swords doesnt help much either.

not a big fan of pot, but maybe. on second thought i would say keep at least 2 caius.

hes funny.

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never considered that. quite interesting.

you could final countdown in 10 turns like that. so simple :P

if your focus is around that combo' date=' youll want more support for it.


i dont see pmd's purpose here, other than to be a light troll.

to be honest, i think you should drop the high level support.

you dont need monarchs or pmd here too much.

don zaloog might help though. as might thunder king to slow your opponent down.

soul exchange is a no. youll also want an mst.

swords doesnt help much either.

not a big fan of pot, but maybe. on second thought i would say keep at least 2 caius.

hes funny.



Yeah I don't like the PMD also. I like the caius because if I inflict damage he's bounced back to my hand so I can use it again. Swords let me flip my ryko on my turn so they aren't destroyed by my opponent attack and with begone knave I can use them again too.


The problem here is that I need a replacement for PMD that can be good with begone knave. I thought about airknight parshath or LaDD but they don't fit well in the deck.

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I can see a weakness, one not much of a threat, another a big threat.


the first one is plague, that could get in the way and break the chain.


the second is Endymion, if he can get summoned while this is going on, and he gets sent to the grave, your screwed on trying to keep the lock going.


I would suggest some spining traps, like PWWB, that should fix the problem.

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omg the concept is deffo amazing. + 1 rep i did a bit of play testing with my own idea for the build.


16| Monsters


3| Dark Red Enchanter

3| Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch


1| Toon Gemini Elf

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Sangan

1| Dandylion

2| Mask Of Darkness

1| Plaguespreader Zombie

1| Breaker, The Magical Warrior

1| mystic tomato

1| Night's End Sorcerer


15| Spells


2| Allure Of Darkness

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Spell Power Grasp (with red enchanter they are +1)

3| Toon Table of Contents

3| Book Of Moon

1| Foolish Burial


11| Traps


1| Magician's Circle

1| Crush Card Virus

3| Magic Drain / solemn

3| begone, knave!

3| drastic drop off

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Have you considered Drop Off yet?


Also in the Side (This is just Opinion) :


-2 Hanewata

+2 PMD


Drop Off isn't a counter trap so they could chain any quick play or quick effect monster they draw. I will add PMD to the side.


I can see a weakness' date=' one not much of a threat, another a big threat.


the first one is plague, that could get in the way and break the chain.


the second is Endymion, if he can get summoned while this is going on, and he gets sent to the grave, your screwed on trying to keep the lock going.


I would suggest some spining traps, like PWWB, that should fix the problem.



Plague isn't a problem if they have no hand but that's one of the reason I side oppression and big burn. For Endymion I haven't wen't up against many of these it could in fact be a big problem but if I have Raiza I could lock them with their field since Begone, Knave! can return Raiza to my hand.


omg the concept is deffo amazing. + 1 rep i did a bit of play testing with my own idea for the build.


3| Dark Red Enchanter


3| Spell Power Grasp (with red enchanter they are +1)


I like the idea of dark red enchanter it's a dark so i can use it with allure and he can be reused by the effect of begone knave just like a monarch. I will try something with this and soul exchange to see how it runs.

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