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Zoids Infinity [Zoids Unleashed Club Role Play]


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There are two countries in the planet of Zeke. Dain, an Empire. Borders the south. It has supreme military control and is wildly respected. The Helios Republic, which borders the North. It is a political hub and is also widely respected. Times are hard though, with a drought affecting both countries. In a desperate attempt to stay alive, Dain discovered a rare metal. It was invulnerable to every weapon created. Nothing seemed to cut or dent it. They dubbed it "Hell's Armor". They equipped it to their Zoids and launched a massive assault against it's smaller neighbors. No Zoids of theirs were destroyed. With their success, they plan to launched an assault on the Helic republic. Unknowingly, the Helios Republic has discovered the weakness to Hell's Armor. A small group of rebels have learned the secret, and plan to take down Dain. Will you join them?





Helios started off as a small country. It was created by people who broke away from Dain. It's first leader, Charles III, ruled over it justly. From there it became a political hub and technology power house. With it's political genius it gained more land and expanded to match with Dain. Eventually, Charles died. Having no heir to his throne. The people voted for a leader. The new leader. James Blake, ruled over Helios just as Charles did. It continued it's political and technology over ruling.



Dain is a warmongering Empire. Gaining land through raiding and conquering. It easily mass produced several powerful Zoids, making it a force to be reckoned with. They made a peace treaty with Helios, so they could gain the materials necessary to mass produce these Zoid. After discovering Hall's Armor, however. They broke the treaty and assaulted several other neighboring countries. It's goal, to conquer the continent of Ragen. Which houses several small countries, Helios, and Dain. The ruler, Emperor Xang. Has one heir to his throne.



Organoids are creatures that resemble Zoids, and have a human partner. They have several abilities, such as the ability to revive dead Zoids, healing Zoids, evolving Zoids. Etc. You can have an Organoid, and they are essential to evolving your Zoid.


Hell's Armor:

Hell's Armor is an organic armor. It is invulnerable to energy weapons(Which happens to be the most common types of weapons.) It is vulnerable to melee weapons and projectiles, such as bullets, or missiles.


1. It's invulnerable to the most common type of weapon, energy.

2. It's organic, it repairs itself.

3. It's light weight for Zoids armor.


1. It's vulnerable to melee weapons and projectiles.

2. It uses melee weapons only, with the exception of certain Bio zoids.

3. It can't be easily made.



1. Thou shalt not spam.

2. Thou shalt not flame to other RPers.

3. Thou shalt start with a Zoid that isn't an evolved one and does not have anything next to it's name. Unless you fit the requirements.

4. Thou shalt not Power Play. I have no tolerance for PPers.

5. Thou shalt not Godmod. I have no tolerance.

6. Thou shalt not argue. Rules are rules.

7. Thou shalt show that you've read these rules by placing rule number 3 and 13, in your app.

8. Thou can be a prince or princess from one of those countries, thou will have to PM me.

9. When picking a Zoid, thou shalt go to this link: http://zoids.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page and do research on thou's Zoid.

10. Dain can use only Dain and Bio Zoids. Rebels can use any Zoids except for Bio Zoids. Helios can use only Helios Zoids.

11. Try not to type one liners. You can, but try to avoid it.


13. Try not to take the same Zoids as someone else. It's highly discouraged.













Faction: (Dain, Helios, Rebels.)




Organoid App:





Abilities: (You can make some up.)




Zoid List: DONE




->: Means that it evolves to a certain Zoid.

[2]: Means that you need to be a good Zoids pilot. This will be proved later in the RP.

[F#]: It's a Fuzor Zoid. Which means it can fuze. The number indicates what it can fuze to.

{FZ}: It means that it is one of the Zoids that can fuze to create Fuzor Dragon.

{CD}: It means that it is one of the Zoids that can fuze to create Chimera Dragon.

[RP]: It means that you need to be an experienced RPer that I know to use this Zoid.

[ART]: It means that the zoid is an artifact and you must find it.

[OM]: It means it has another mode.

[uP]: It means it's a permanent upgrade. Usually a very strong weapon is added to the Zoid.

[CAS]: It's armor that can change the type of the Zoid wereing it. It could change a speed Zoid to a heavy-blast-em-all Zoid.

-><-: Means it can change in between but can never stay the form to the right for ever.

[FV]: Means it's a Victory Fusion Zoid.

[F&]: Means it can fuse with any Zoid.

[R]: Means it's only for royalty.




Shield Liger -> Blade Liger or Aero Liger -> Slash Liger or Sniper Liger

Command Wolf[F6] -> Konig Wolf -> Konig Wolf MKII[uP]

Pteras -> Salamander

Raynos -> Storm Sworder

Guysack -> Deathstinger[2]

Gorhecks -> Gordos

Gojulas[2] -> Gojulas Giga[2] -> King Gojulas[RP]

Gun Sniper

Snipe Master[2]

Stealth Viper

Barigator -> Leogator[OM]


Gun Blaster[2] -> Madthunder[2]

Gustav -> Hover Cargo[2]

Cannon Tortoise -> Missile Tortoise[F1] -> Beam Tortoise

Double Sworder


Spark Liger[2] -> Energy Liger[F26]

Brachios - Brachio Rex[F1][OM] - Ultrasaurus[2]

Arosaur -> Spino Snapper -> Godkaiser[2]

Cannonfort -> Dibison -> Gravity Bison

Houndsoldier -> Whitz Wolf[F4]


Bear Fighter -> Bamburian -> Bamburian Grand[uP]

Parablade Genesis[2][F3]

Death Raser Genesis[2][F3]

Buster Eagle[F25]


Cyclops II[ART]

Liger Zero[F23 & 24][RP] -><- Panzer[CAS] or Jager[CAS] or Schnieder[CAS] or Krieger[CAS] or Shark[CAS] or Miko[CAS]


Evo Flyer[F21][OM]


Rayse Tiger[RP][F22]

Ptera Rayse[F22]

Jet Falcon[F24]

Fire Pheonix[F23]





Cannon Diver

Scout Fox -> Shadow Fox

King Liger[R]




Gator -> Dimetrodon -> Dark Spiner[F2]

Killer Dome[F2]

Parablade Rebirth[2][F3]

Death Raser Rebirth[2][F3]


Geruder -> Rhimos -> Redhorn

Marder -> Rev Raptor


Berserk Fuhrer[RP][F25] -><- Strum[CAS] or Jagd[CAS] or Z[CAS]

Hammer Rock -> Iron Kong


ZeekDober -> Iceblazer


Atak Kat -> Gul Tiger -> Descat[RP]

Genosaurer[2] -> Genobreaker[2] -> Geno Physchosis[2]

Iguan -> Deathsaurer[2][FV]

Maccurtis -> Dragoon Nest[2]





Glaive Quama[2]


Brastle Tiger[RP]

Battle Cougar -> Orudios

Mammoth -> Elephander


Bold Guard






Styl Armor[F8][OM]

Scissor Storm[F7]

Lazer Storm[F7]

Geno Flame[2] -> Bloody Demon[2]

Physcho Geno Saurer -> Geno Scissors

Redler -> Geno Trooper

Molga -> Jagd Stinger[2]

Zaber Fang

Proto Zaber[2]

Diablo Tiger Alpha[ART]

Diablo Tiger Beta[ART]

NEOBLOX Panther -> Lightning Saix

Heldigunner -> Deadborder[2]

Whale King[2]



Bio Zoids


Bio Tyrano -> Bio Meteor

Bio Kentro

Bio Ptera

Bio Liger

Bio Gui

Bio Raptor -> Bio Megaraptor -> Bio Volcano

Bio Trikera




Lanstag -> Lanstag Break[uP]

Sword Wolf[2] -> Sword Wolf Crusher[uP][2]

Leo Striker[OM][F6]

Gravity Wolf[2]

Gravity Saurer[2]

Gravity Saix[2]

Gravity Ptera[2]

Dimetro Ptera[OM]

Rainbow Jerk[2] -> Rainbow Jerk Wind[2][uP]

Murasame Liger[RP] -><- Hayate[sPRTOF] or Mugen[sPRTOE] or Knight[sPRTOW] or Ninja[sPRTOS]

Victory Liger[RP][F&]

Victory Rex[RP][F&]

Trinity Liger[2][FV] -> Trinity Liger Holy[R]

Soul Tiger[RP] -> Soul Tiger Boost[RP][uP]

Deadly Kong[2]

Geno Hydra[2][FV] -> Geno Hydra Killar[uP]

Blitz Tiger[2]

Boldgald -> Seismosaurus[2][F7 & 8]

Liger Zero Dash[F23 & 24][RP] -><- Panzer[CAS] or Jager[CAS] or Schnieder[CAS] or Krieger[CAS] or Shark[CAS] or Miko[CAS]

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Wow did this take long >_>


Name: Christoper Memento

Age: 22

Appearance: http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn96/...imeguy.jpg

Personality: Shall pursue anything he puts his mind to it. Continues to fight until his last breath as he avoids conflict if possible.

Zoid:Spark Liger[2] -> Energy Liger[F26]

Other: (What does it mean by other?)

Faction: Helios

Bio: As he was a child he was abandoned by his parents, he was lived on the street for a number of years. Until he reached the age to become a solider he used to fight for his life even fight a dog for scrapes. As a solider he went through a hardship of training for a number of years until he learned how to be a pilot. Finally he wishes to be part of the elite guard.


Rules 3 + 13

3. Thou shalt start with a Zoid that isn't an evolved one and does not have anything next to it's name. Unless you fit the requirements.

13. Try not to take the same Zoids as someone else. It's highly discouraged.

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Name: Jacob Ukimo

Age: 24

Appearance: http://i44.tinypic.com/29w4umb.png

Personality: Kind, nice, idiotic, and care-free. Not to smart military or common sense

Zoid: Raynos -> Storm Sworder


From Digimon RP by Roxas

"Friends of yours? They know your name." Jacob ask his slightly taller friend. "I'm afraid not, is it really that hard to guess my name?" Jacob smiling back sensing the sarcaism. "Guess not, I mean your costume screams Wizard. So do you know them?" Wizardmon looks at the digimon and recalls on his vast knowledge. "Well the digimon is Strikedramon I don't know the human." Jacob stares at the digimon. "Strike-dra-mon, thats a cool name. Not as cool as yours though, buddy." Jacob then looks at the boy, "Hi, names Jacob Ukimo." Jacob says as he sticks his tongue out.


Faction: Rebels

Bio: Jacob is a care free boy who doesn't like answering to supiriors. He joined the rebels because he blames both sides for putting the world in it's current state. He wishes that everyone could live there own lives without interference from others. Jacob would rather leave a beaten foe than kill in battle. He was an amazing pilot in training and since the rebels are short handed they accelrate Jacob into Zoid combat.

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Name:John Mills

Age: 21

Appearance: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t121/masterzuoci/Avatars/ZhangCao-SunBASE.jpg

Personality: Offbeat

Zoid: Sheild Liger


Faction: Helios

Bio: Wanting to pilot a Zoid, John worked in a juckyard selling scrap zoid parts to build up cash to buy a Zoid. One day while walking to juckyard a man came to drop off a functioning Shield Liger. The man dropping it off said that he had no need for it and that John could have it if he wanted. After a brief piloting lesson John travled to the nearest Helios Army Base to enlist.

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Name: Zane Katsuo

Age: 23

Appearance: http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7925841756/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/08/03/09/brown_hair_blue_eyes.jpg

Personality: Always having fun. Care-free. Energetic. Never gives up.

Zoid: Idk since I am not "Qualified" to use my Zoid. Any ideas?

Other: This is my first RP so help me out a little.

Faction: Rebels

Bio: Zane is a kick-back kind of guy. He tries to avoid trouble, and usually doesn't listen to orders well. He hates when people boss him around. When he was young he always wanted to be a pilot. He had trained for many years, and finally became one. He was very happy, but didn't want to listen to all the "boring stuff."


I think that's it. =P


Tell me if I forgot anything.

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