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Kiba rp!!! STARTED [accepting] ~[Need More People]~

Star Child

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"No, the joust is a fight until you either die, give up, or fall off the ledge and into the water. It's just a series of fights, one match after another until we get a winner. Though the winner recieves nothing more than respect, it's still fun, and nobody normally dies. Just hope that you don't go up against anybody from Zymo or Tusk, they're ruthless. We really need to get some more training in if we're gonna go", I walked on to the house and out to the back.


ooc: pick either Rambos(neutral), Shatra(bad), or Amir Gol(good) to decide the rest of the RP. i'll pick mine after you.

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"who's this ruthless zymo and tusk? tell me about them please, i... i want to see if they even have a chance at beating the crimson king... when he's trained and controlled i mean..."


OOC: who, what are they? why are they important? what they do? i know, noobish questions probably, but still...

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ooc: Amir Goual is one of Zed's spirits. He is also a key spirit and uses giant feathers as knives that can cut through anything and slice through other spirits, instantly killing them. The key spirits are the strongest kind, but their aren't many. [spoiler=pic] amirgaul.jpg



Shatra is the one and only spirit of Noah, Zed's best friend. Now Noah is evil and acquired Shatra, an evil key spirit who uses these yellow blade things and sharp arms to attack. [spoiler=pic] couldn't find a pic at all



Rambos is Zed's other spirit, though it's not a key spirit. in this RP they'll all have the same stats so don't worry about that. He is the spirit of power and has the ability of breathing fire.[spoiler=pic] zedroyarambos.jpg




"Well the Zymotions can be heartless, especially Hue and the other 3 strongest. And, as you probably guessed, they live in Zymo. The Tuskans are basically either beast creatures that can breath fire or humans with 1 spike on each shoulder that can actually use shard powers without being shard casters. The humans also have special devices to tell the stats of any living thing. They, of course, come from Tusk."

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ooc: i can't believe it! accepted :D :D :D @golnax: i'm getting Rambos and You have Amir Gual and stunnero101 gets Shatra.



"Right", I looked through a small crack from our last training session the woden fence and saw Spectre. I went over to the fence and signaled for William to come over beside me, "look, he looks like a dark shard caster to me, what do you think?" As I spoke their was a giant battle going on, and not just any battle, a battle between 3 people who each possesed a key spirit. We have Zed's descendent with Amir Gual against some new person with Rambos against Noah's descendent with Shatra. The only thing is that nobody knows...

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"a dark shard caster... well, techincally, i'm a dark shard caster as well... he looks nothing like me, but... i don't know, you're the expert. i'm going to go introduce myself, anything happens, i mean to the point where i have to use the king, intervene." william jumped over the fence silently and began walking over to spectre.

"hey! you! tall dark and gloomy! i got a question for ya."

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ooc: forget it.



"He must be all 3, let's just kill 'em and take his spirit if he has one", I walked over to the fence and jumped over. "So what should we do with him after we're finished?", I walked up to the mystery person and told him that I don't take too lightly to tresspassers, "you ready to die?" I pushed him and took out a lightning shard for a tazer to stun him and it worked just like I thought it would. I motioned for William to get over to me and help.

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"i don't know... i guess we should just send him to the king's demension, so that what ever the hell is over there can eat the remains."

william released a shard from withen himself and a helmet of bones completely covered his face and made an ashen cover down his spine. he walked in front of the stranger and bent over to look down on him.

"i'm sorry to have to do this, but," william in haled and exhaled, as he exhaled a dark purple mist came out of the hole in his helmet where his mouth had been. the mist covered the strangers face and entered his nostrils, eyes and ears. william bent back up and cracked his helmet down the middle and puleld it off, returning the shard back to where it had come from.

"he'll be dead before long."

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"Was that poison or something? You know, I never would've wanted to kill him for no reason, but I got a strange reaction from his presence. It's almost as if he was watching us, and I have a feeling that that thing's not even real." I watched as the lifeless thing stood in front of us, not moving a muscle, "it's not real. My shard didn't do a single thing to it, neither did yours." I opened up my sword and put a few shards into it, "watch this", I sliced off it's arm and sand fell to the ground with the arm piece. I looked at William and started running into town without even putting my sword back up and told William to follow as fast as he could.

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"but as fast as i can means-" before william could finish, he was gone. william closed his eyes and sank himself deep inside of his mind.

"king, i know you're there. follow john and do it as fast as you can."

"to do taht, you know my price and what must be done."

"take it."

inside hte crimson king smiled as he crept his way back up through williams self and took hold of his mind. william opened his eyes, the whites had turned to black and the colors had turned to red and gold. the crimson king, now in control, lifted his arms up to the side, palms up and began to float. stones, scattered leaves, floated up with him. with one hand the crimson king ripped off wiliams shirt, the instant he did a dakr crimson cape flowed out of williams back and almost touched hte ground. the crimson king wrapped himself in the cloak and pulled up the hood, then they were off. withen seconds they were right next to john, crimson hood up and the rest of hte cloak flowing behind them. the crimson king looked over at john and smiled awicked smile.

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I stopped dead in my tracks and stared in awe, completely forgetting everything that just happened. I fell to the ground in fear and panicked, not knowing if I would live or die. After many minutes I worked up the nerve to talk, "why have you taken control of William again? You know that he's not ready!"

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the crimson king stopepd whenever john stopped. after he had spoken he lifted him up by the scuff of his shirt and said, "don't play dumb, i wouldn't have taken control unless he needed it or he wanted it, and he wants my speed to get to what ever god damned emergency you had to get to, now get GOING!" screamed the king in his voice but with Williams face as he dropped john to the ground and waited.

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"That's right, I forgot", I immeadietly stood and ran out of the town with the Crimson King by my side, and I realized that we would not get away at this rate. I reached onto my shoulder and pulled out my 1st spirit then threw it into the air, "go, Cojy!" The shard transformed into a giant dragon with electricity flowing from it's glowing body, "ready Cojy?" I ran a little faster and jumped onto his back as he lowered himself, "try to keep up in that human body, since it's not your own I don't know if you can keep up or not, but just try." Cojy flew faster with sparks of electricity flying out from him, "we still won't make it, we need to go even faster", I looked back and saw Williams body still possesed and right behind me. I looked behind the body, "what happened? Have they dissapeared or what? Oh no, Crimson King look for the persuers chasing us and see if they're still there."

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