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Frog Deck for Tag Force 2


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I've recently thought of building a Frog Deck, I have the "Raging Waters" pack 98% complete, and as I've only begun playing it 3 days ago, my cards are limited. Please tell me what you think, and please fix any mistakes.


AND, don't comment if you're going to FLAME, insult, or do anything else other than "WRITING CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM".


Here's the deck:



Abyss Soldier x2

Beezle Frog x3

Des Frog x3

Gora Turtle x2

Lekunga x2

Star Boy x2

T.A.D.P.O.L.E. x3

Treeborn Frog x1

Warrior of Atlantis x1



A Legendary Ocean x2

Big Wave Small Wave x2

Des Croaking x2

Lightning Vortex x1

Polymrezation x2

Premature Burial x1

Terraforming x2



Dust Tornado x3

Mirror Force x1

Tornado Wall x2

Trap Hole x3



D.3.S Frog x3


Now, here are some stuff that I want to make clear:

In this game, Mother Grizzly is like Ultimate Rare. I only pulled one, so I completely excluded it.

Lekunga works more than it's supposed to, and I didn't have another beatstick that was as good as this one was.


Please comment fairly.

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