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IRL Zombiesworn


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Judgment dragon x2

Dark armed dragon x1

Chaos sorcerer x1

Celestia x1

Lyla x3

Lumina x3

Garoth x1

Mezuki x1

Ehren x1

PSZ x1

Zombie master x3

Wulf x2

Honest x2

Goblin zombie x2



Solar recharge x3

Charge x3

Book of life x2

Card of safe return x1

Mst x1

Storm x1

Trunade x1

Monster reborn x1



Solemn judgment x3


This is the deck i am running IRL right now and it works great it just needs some advice.

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Ryko ain't needed in LS / Twilight. With the amount of removal going on here, it just doesn't work.

Neg 2 Ryko for 2 Honest or 2 Wulf or something.


Pyramid Turtle seems weird at 1, I dunno, maybe that's just me.


Neg the Royal Decrees for Solemns or something.


You're missing M Reborn ~ neg an MST for 1.


Hm, pretty steady Deck. Good job.

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