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Ultimate Battle Grounds

Saturn of Elemia

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Ryko Then Teleports above Captain Stupid and Fires a Beam in Random Directions' date=' Carving a Symbol into the Ground, After Which he Starts Chanting


Ryko: 450(This is how much Damage he can take until he Stops Chanting)



Captain Stupid wonders what you just did, but continues to pick the gum off him. GUMDUCK seems to be reforming, but will take some time to come back to the fight...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 3)

Absorbed Damage = 600 / 1,000

Turns until GUMDUCK comes back = 3


Party HP = 1,500

Ryko HP = 450


ok now that legendary ocean is here ill go ahead and discard these three 7 colored fish into my graveyard. and play blood is in the water and by removing them from play i ritual summon Megalodon and have him attack captain stupid.

[spoiler= Cards mentioned]201573.jpg




ooc:guess ill try it again.


Megalodon charges forward in an attempt to bite Captain Stupid. Unfortunately' date=' Captain Stupid pulls out a frying pan and bashes Megalodon over the head with it - nullifying its bite attack. The force of the impact from Megalodon's charge does a bit of damage, though.


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 700 / 1,000 (+100 from Megalodon's charge)

Turns until GUMDUCK comes back = 2


Party HP = 1,500

Ryko HP = 450


Hearing the explosion from Captain Stupid's sonic wave, I come running out of the forrest. Seeing the battle, I use Force Heal on the party.


OoC: Are we all standing in water from A Legendary Ocean's effect?


Force Heal succeeds and heals the party by 500 points


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 700 / 1,000

Turns until GUMDUCK comes back = 1


Party HP = 2,000 (+500 from Force Heal)

Ryko HP = 450


OoC - Yes, you are all still standing in water due to "A Legendary Ocean" being in play.


Captain Stupd moons the party, causing mass confusion. Everybody turns around and punches each other in the face twice each before coming back to their senses. Captain Stupid laughs and takes pictures of the stupidity in order to put them on the Internet and make a meme out of you all. At this time, GUMDUCK reforms to the field and perches itself on Captain Stupid's head...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 3)

Absorbed Damage = 700 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)


Party HP = 1,550 (-450 from punching each other due to the mooning)

Ryko HP = 250 (-200 from getting punched by emonessex and Roxas)


I summon Lady Retard' date=' a beautiful, yet retarded woman. The only thing she knows how to do right is seduction, but her kiss is poisonous, so obviously she goes to kiss Captain Stupid.


Afterwards, I attack with a sword made of Stupidite, which is like the Kryptonite for Captain Stupid.



Captain Stupid moves in to kiss Lady Retard, but is stopped by GUMDUCK. GUMDUCK throws a wad of itself at Lady Retard, hitting her in the face and causing her to stumble around like an idiot. The attack from the sword made of Stupidite makes contact and deals a large amount of damage to Captain Stupid's underwear, again making him hop around while holding his groin. Now's your chance to attack, but watch out for GUMDUCK!!!


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to recover = 4)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 4 turns)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 3)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 250


I summon Sho Minamimoto who then aids us in our battle!


Sho Minamimoto charges in and yells out "Man, you are zetta slow!". This utterly confuses Captain Stupid and stuns him even more. Sho Minamimoto is now on your side for the duration of this battle. Don't you feel special now? 8)


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to recover = 4)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 4 turns)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 2)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 250

Sho HP = 4,000

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I throw a soulstone on the floor, and it encases the party in a bubble, which will bring us back to life if we die. It also summons The Shadow Of Codypops. OOC: On our side 2000 hp, in 4 turns he will do a 500 dmg attack to the Captain stupid and gumduck.

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I throw a soulstone on the floor' date=' and it encases the party in a bubble, which will bring us back to life if we die. It also summons The Shadow Of Codypops. OOC: On our side 2000 hp, in 4 turns he will do a 500 dmg attack to the Captain stupid and gumduck.



The Shadow of Codypops comes to the field, but takes one look at Captain Stupid and goes "Are you serious?" This makes the Shadow reluctant to attack.


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to recover = 3)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 3 turns)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 1)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 250

Sho HP = 4,000


Ryko Continues Chanting as the Symbol starts glowing black


Captain Stupid doesn't notice since he's still holding his groin in agony. GUMDUCK sets you in his sights and prepares to attack...


Captain Stupid = 3' date='100 HP (Turns to recover = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 2 turns)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 0)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 250

Sho HP = 4,000


[b']GUMDUCK blows a bubble and pops it. The sharp shrapnel flies at Ryko for moderate damage...[/b]


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to recover = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 1 turns)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 150 (-100 from gum shraplen)

Sho HP = 4,000


Captain Stupid recovers, but worries. He knows that the underwear will not last another onslaught like that...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Absorbed Damage = 0 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 3)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000


I summon Zexion as well to aid us.


Zexion traps Captain Stupid and Gumduck inside one of his math books' date=' and Captain Stupid and Gumduck are forced to endure countless math problems greater than Calculus.



Somehow, Captain Stupid and GUMDUCK manage to climb out of Zexion's book with doctrines in mathematics. Unfortunately, the strain of the headaches (and Zexion's brutal teaching methods) have taken their toll. Captain Stupid and GUMDUCK are both incredibly stunned and need a while to recover. Zexion gives up and teleports away...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 7)

Absorbed Damage = 0 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 7)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000


I funnel energy into Zexion's book' date=' causing the math problems to deal additional damage with the power of darkness.



The resulting energy cause severe migraines that attack both enemies from the inside. It only deals minor damage, though.


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 6)

Absorbed Damage = 200 / 1,000 [+200 from energy damage]

GUMDUCK = 1,500 HP (Turns to attack = 6) [-500 from energy damage]


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000


I get Colonel Stupid to attack Captain Stupid and GUMDUCK.


Colonel Stupid is on vacation and doesn't accept collect calls. Sorry.


Captain Stupid = 3' date='100 HP (Turns to attack = 5)

Absorbed Damage = 200 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 1,500 HP (Turns to attack = 5)


Party HP = 1,550

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000


Seeing the battle from a distance for a while, i decide to rush into it and pull out a shotgun and fire 4 bullets/shells(whatever they're called)


Running and jumping in a dramatic pose, you fly over Captain Stupid's head and fire all four shots. Two manage to hit GUMDUCK and the others manage to hit Captain Stupid, dealing massive damage to both. Unfortunately, you goof on the landing and fall on your face. The gun flies into the air and hits you on the back of the head with the butt...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Absorbed Damage = 900 / 1,000 [+700 from shotgun blasts]

GUMDUCK = 500 HP (Turns to attack = 4) [-1000 from shotgun blasts]


Party HP = 750 [-800 from falling and getting hot by gun]

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000


Sho Minamimoto summons Taboo Noise who attack Gumduck! Sho then casts a lv. i flare at Captain Stupid.


GUMDUCK explodes and takes down the Taboo Noise with it. The Flare spell manages to hit Captain Stupid and destroy the absorbing underwear. Captain Stupid now has nothing to protect him from excess damage. Quick! Attack him while he's still stunned. GUMDUCK won't stay gone forever' date=' you know!!!


Captain Stupid = 2,800 HP (Turns to attack = 4) [-300 from excess damage from Sho's spell']

GUMDUCK = 0 HP (Turns to come back = 3)


Party HP = 750

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000

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I attack with Ultimate End.


Ultimate End deals a minimal amount of damage since he's still holding his groin and dancing around. (Makes it hard to hit the guy...)


Captain Stupid = 2' date='000 HP (Turns to attack = 3) [-800 from Ultimate End']

GUMDUCK = 0 HP (Turns to come back = 2)


Party HP = 750

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000

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I use Dark Cutter: Encase Khaross in darkness and deliver a 5-hit combo.

(Khaross is my sword btw)


Out of nowhere, a Steelix pops out of the ground and knocks you to the ground. This interrupts your attack. The wild Steelix looks pissed because of all the commotion going on. The hole that it emerged from removes the effect of "A Legendary Ocean" on the field. The Steelix is standing between you and Captain Stupid. It must be dealt with before you can hurt Captain Stupid again. (WHAT A TWIST!)


Captain Stupid = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

GUMDUCK = 0 HP (Turns to come back = 1)

Steelix = 2,500 HP (Turns until Earthquake = 3)


Party HP = 750

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000

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Earth quake huh? Here's a twist: I use my grimoire to place a warp distortion under steelix' date=' causing him to hover above the ground. The disortion repels steelix into the air upon touching it. (he does have to be on the ground in order to use earthquake right?)



Nice trick. The Steelix is now hovering above the ground. It doesn't seem too bothered (because you just took away its weakness to Ground moves). It glares at you while still standing between you and Captain Stupid...


Captain Stupid doesn't mind the added support and is actually quite relieved. At that moment, GUMDUCK reforms to the field...


Captain Stupid = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Steelix = 2,500 HP (Turns until Earthquake = 2)


Party HP = 750

Ryko HP = 150

Sho HP = 4,000



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I use my grimoire to cast black ice on GUMDUCK' date=' encasing him in ice. I then knock him at captain stupid with khaross.



The Steelix moves its giant body in the way of the ice spell. It does minimal damage to Steelix, but delays its attack. Unfortunately for GUMDUCK, it's going to take a while to attack since Steelix is in the way and is temporarily disabled...


Captain Stupid jumps on top of the Steelix and pulls out a box of cereal. He reaches deep in the box and pulls out the prize - a flamethrower. He turns it on and sprays a wave of fire on the party before putting it away...


Captain Stupid = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Steelix = 2,200 HP (Turns until Earthquake = 2) [-300 from Black Ice attack]


Party HP = 650 (-100 from flamethrower attack)

Ryko HP = 75 (-75 from flamethrower attack)

Sho HP = 3,850 ([150 from flamethrower attack)

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OoC: Can I use Light Fountain yet? or am I not high enough level?


OoC: Yes' date=' you are high enough level to use Light Fountain. It is the highest level technique of yours that you can use right now. Unfortunately, you'll only be able to use it once per fight currently. Once the party levels up some more, you will be able to use it more times...[/i']

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OoC: Ok' date=' looks like we're low on health so....[/i']


I use Light Fountain: Plunges Khaross into the ground. Light emanates from the ground in a large circle around Khaross, Blinding enemies and healing the party.


With a bright flash of light, the three opponents are momentarily stunned. The party's HP is restored by 1,000 points...


Captain Stupid = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Steelix = 2,200 HP (Turns until Earthquake = 2)


Party HP = 1,650 (+1,000 from Light Fountain)

Ryko HP = 575 (+500 from Light Fountain)

Sho HP = 4,000 (+150 from Light Fountain)

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