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Ultimate Battle Grounds

Saturn of Elemia

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very well this looks tough but im gunna make a a gamble and activate the trap card Bridge of Death. Now' date=' captain stupid Answer these questions three. What is your name? what is your quest? and what is the capital of Assyria? (lol reference to monty python and the holy grail)



Captain Stupid looks you and answers with confidence. "My name is Captain Stupid. I am here to annoy those who deserved to be annoyed. The capital of Assyria is Assur. Thanks for playing with Captain Stupid! Now then, that lovely little trap of yours is going to do 500 damage to you since I answered right! NEE!!!"


Captain Stupid = 3,500 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 500 / 1000


Party HP = 1,495 (-500 from effect of "Bridge of Death")



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Wow captain stupid actually has intellegence darn. uh let me think, uh, *panicing* uh, AH HA! I use monster reborn to bring axe knight back onto our side. then I activate A legendary ocean. the i place in face up defense catapult turtle. and because i dont trust the axe knight i use catapult turtle's effect and tribute him to deal half of his atk to captain stupid.

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I use my grimoire to cast Dark Winds: sending a gust of wind' date=' black as night itself, at captain stupid (attempting to blow him back as he is charging and deal dark damage, and possibly impact damage if it succeeds in blowing him back).



Captain Stupid turns around and points his butt at the incoming gust of wind. Releasing a gust of his own, it negates a majority of the attack. However, Captain Stupid is not left unscratched...


Captain Stupid = 3,500 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 750 / 1,000


Party HP = 1,495


Captain Stupid takes the duck off his head and pulls a shotgun out of its mouth. Pointing the shotgun at the party, he fires several water balloons filled with confetti and thumbtacks. Upon impact, they scatter and stick into the party.


Captain Stupid = 3,500 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 750 / 1,000


Party HP = 1,250 (-200 from balloon attack)

I show two ducks of different genders to the duck on top of Captain Stupid's head.


The duck is confused and looks back at Captain Stupid. This confuses Captain Stupid and makes him think about friend potatoes...


Captain Stupid = 3' date='500 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 750 / 1,000


Party HP = 1,250


Wow captain stupid actually has intellegence darn. uh let me think, uh, *panicing* uh, AH HA! I use monster reborn to bring axe knight back onto our side. then I activate A legendary ocean. the i place in face up defense catapult turtle. and because i dont trust the axe knight i use catapult turtle's effect and tribute him to deal half of his atk to captain stupid.


The attack succeeds, but does minimal damage since the Axe Knight has no weapon. As a result of acitvating "A Legendary Ocean", movement ability is cut in half.


Captain Stupid = 3,500 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 950 / 1,000


Party HP = 1,250


Ryko appears and Fires a powerful Beam of Darkness at Captain Stupid


Captain Stupid takes the damage' date=' then starts jumping around while holding his groin. It seems that the underwear has taken its negative effect and left Captain Stupid wide open for attack. Quickly, damage him while he is momentarily disabled!


Captain Stupd = 3,500 HP (Turns to recover = 3)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 3 turns)


Party HP = 1,250


I run up to the fight on my steed with a giant sword, and knock down Captain stupid then ready my blade for an attack.


Just as Captain Stupid is knocked down, the duck on his head lunges itself forward and gets right in your face. It distracts you and forces you to drop your giant sword. Fortunately, it manages to land on Captain Stupid's left foot and deal a nice bit of damage...


Captain Stupd = 3,100 HP [-400 from dropped sword] (Turns to recover = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 2 turns)


Party HP = 1,150 (-100 from duck attack)

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(That went STUPIDLY nice)


I take the duck and rip it in half. The sword has Cpt. Stupid's germs on it' date=' so i pull out two daggers. ((Rofl)) I charge at him and stab the daggers one in each eye, enraged.



The duck seperates into two seperate ducks and bites your hands that are holding the daggers. Working in unison, they manage to throw you to the ground and start quacking vulgar messages at you. The sound drives you insane and cause you to rip out a bit of your hair in rage...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to recover = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 1,000 / 1,000 (Will reset in 1 turn)

Duck 1 = 1,000 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Duck 2 = 1,000 HP (Turns to attack = 2)


Party HP = 1,050 (-100 from being thrown)


Ryko then Fires a Beam of Black Fire at Captain Stupid


Duck 1 flies in the way and takes the blast for Captain Stupid


Captain Stupd = 3' date='100 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 0 / 1,000

Duck 1 = 300 HP [-700 from blast'] (Turns to attack = 1)

Duck 2 = 1,000 HP (Turns to attack = 1)


Party HP = 1,050



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(( AHH DAMN Wat did i do to deserve this?))


I run off. The ducks chase me after i get a metre away so i jump into a tree. A few seconds after i bellyflop onto the ducks holding out two more knives (I have a backpack full of weps -.-)


Since you decided to run away and give chase to the ducks' date=' they follow. You manage to bellyflop onto the ducks. It doesn't do as much damage as you think...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage - 0 / 1,000

Duck 1 = 100 HP [-200 from belly flop'] (Turns to attack = 0)

Duck 2 = 1,000 HP (Turns to attack = 0)


Ducks 1 and 2 manage to pick you up and throw you off them. Doing some kind of bizarre dance, they fuse together with a piece of ABC gum (that convenienly was located on the ground) to become GUMDUCK!!!


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 0)

Absorbed Damage = 0 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 4)


Party HP = 980 (-70 from ducks throwing)


Captain Stupid bends forward and emits a sonic belch, knocking everybody to the ground. The stench of garlic and anchovies overwhelms the sense...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 3)

Absorbed Damage = 0 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 2,000 HP (Turns to attack = 3)


Party HP = 850 (-130 from the belch)

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I invoke the power of badly animated games and i say... HADOKEN! At which i fire a fireball at GumDuck to try and burn the gum. Meanwhile' date=' i take a delayed grenade, pull the pin and throw it down Cpt Stupids underwear. I am wearing latex gloves.



GUMDUCK absorbs the blast and belches fire. It quacks with delight and then gives you an evil glare. Captain Stupid manages to pull the grenade out of his underwear just in time, but the grenade explodes in his hand. It deals moderate damage...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 300 / 1,000 (+300 from grenade explosion)

GUMDUCK = 1,950 HP [-50 from fireball attack] (Turns to attack = 2


Party HP = 850


OoC: I'm going to have to guess i GMed' date=' So what, I'm not going to be stuck Firing Beams of Black Fire all day, and the few other attacks i have are, i think, more Overpowered than the Ship


IC: I Create a Massive ball of Darkness and Hold it in front of me, it grows Bigger



OoC: A little bit, but don't worry. The enemies will be getting to the point where such attacks will be kinda necessary. Just hang tight. ^_^


IC: Captain Stupid looks at the massive ball of Darkness and wonders what it is. GUMDUCK doesn't care...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 300 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 1,950 HP (Turns to attack = 1)


Party HP = 850



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I give a holy light to try and heal the party back to 2000 health. I climb up Gumducks back and then I try to cut its head off.


OoC: One action' date=' please. I'll go with the healing aspect since it's a bit more important.


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 0)

Absorbed Damage = 300 / 1,000

GUMDUCK = 1,950 HP (Turns to attack = 0)


Party HP = 2,000 (+1,150 by the effect of Holy Light)


[b']Captain Stupid runs toward GUMDUCK and gives it a BIG hug, covering himself with gum. He then starts chewing on it a little bit. (Quite strange, eh? Don't get comfy - this is gonna get ugly)[/b]


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns until super attack = 2)

Absorbed Damage = 300 / 1,000


Party HP = 2,000


The Ball of Darkness Grows more


Captain Stupid keeps chewing and doesn't notice...


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns until super attack = 1)

Absorbed Damage = 300 / 1,000


Party HP = 2,000

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The Ball of Darkness Has Finished Growing


Captain Stupid blows an enormous bubble and pops it' date=' emitting a sonic wave that deals immense damage to the party from the wave and shrapnel of gum. The wave damages him as well and leaves him momentarily stunned.[/b']


Captain Stupid = 3,100 HP (Turns to attack = 4)

Absorbed Damage = 600 / 1000 (+300 from sonic wave)


Party HP = 1,500 (-500 from sonic wave attack)

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