Saturn of Elemia Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 Greetings, warriors. I've seen a few threads in games based on fighting various things and I figured that I'd make one myself. (How original, eh?) I will try and keep this one fairly active (since I am usually on quite a bit in the evening). Just a few rules I'd like to lay down for you: 1) NO GODMODDING! (Seriously. If you do this, you'll be ignored. Keep doing it and you'll be reported. I'll be doing the balancing and damage calculation here) 2) No cursing or flaming of other members whatsoever. (This is just a game. Don't take it seriously) 3) Please do not post an attack if there are 5 posts after my most recent post. It makes it difficult to keep up with the current battle. Please be patient and I will get to it as soon as I can. (If it gets too bad, then I will have to ignore any actions after the earliest 5 posts) WITHOUT FURTER ADO, LET THE BATTLES BEGIN You're all walking through the forest. You encounter three knights wearing black armor. One is wielding a sword, one is wielding a lance, and one is wielding an axe. They seem quite intent on fighting. The knight wielding the axe is slightly larger than the other two, so you deduce that he is the leader and will be stronger than the others. Axe Knight = 350 HPSword Knight = 200 HPLance Knight = 200 HP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
六兆年と一夜物語 Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I get a gigantic key and start attacking the Lance Knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duckmasta2020 Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 Having wondered aimlessly into the midst of battle. I decide to help destiny by activating the card adhesion trap hole on the lance knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I get a gigantic key and start attacking the Lance Knight. You lunge forward and score a direct hit on the Lance Knight's midsection. However' date=' you were slightly grazed by his lance as he thrusted it forward. Axe Knight = 350 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Sword Knight = 200 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 2) Party = 940 HP Having wondered aimlessly into the midst of battle. I decide to help destiny by activating the card adhesion trap hole on the lance knight. The Lance Knight has been slowed down. Axe Knight = 350 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Sword Knight = 200 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 3) Party = 940 HP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duckmasta2020 Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 Now to increase our offense i throw out two pokeballs and hitmonlee and hitmonchan appear, then if that wasn't enough i use polymerization to fuse them into hitmonsagat master of pokemon muay thai and have him use Pokemon genocide on sword knight. (How do you like dem apples sword knight?!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amaterasu Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I start using my flail to try and take out the Axe Knight. (That is 2 spiked balls on a chain incase you didn't know.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 Now to increase our offense i throw out two pokeballs and hitmonlee and hitmonchan appear' date=' then if that wasn't enough i use polymerization to fuse them into hitmonsagat master of pokemon muay thai and have him use Pokemon genocide on sword knight. (How do you like dem apples sword knight?!)[/quote'] The attack succeeds and does a large amount of damage to the Sword Knight. Unfortunately, the move Pokemon Genocide causes Hitmonsagat to faint and fall on you, causing damage to the entire party. The Lance Knight has been slowed down. Axe Knight = 350 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Sword Knight = 50 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 2) Party = 840 HP I start using my flail to try and take out the Axe Knight. (That is 2 spiked balls on a chain incase you didn't know.) The Lance Knight jumps in the way and deflects the blow away from the Axe Knight with his lance. However, the deflected hit manages to graze the Sword Knight for minimal damage. Axe Knight = 350 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Sword Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 2) Party = 840 HP The Axe Knight swings his mighty axe, but misses since it is so large and easy to dodge.The Sword Knight charges forward and swings his sword in rapid succession, scoring a direct hit. Axe Knight = 350 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Sword Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 1) Party = 740 HP (-100) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst Phoenix Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I channel energy into my blade and unleash a swirling torrent of light and dark energy from the tip at the axe knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I channel energy into my blade and unleash a swirling torrent of light and dark energy from the tip at the axe knight The Axe Knight moves its giant axe in the way to absorb the energy blast. Since the axe has an enchantment' date=' most of the damage is absorbed into the axe, but the Axe Knight is still damaged from the sheer concussive force of the blast. Axe Knight = 250 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Sword Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 0) Party = 740 HP [b']The Lance Knight swings his massive lance horizontally in a sweeping motion in order to hit everybody in our party at once. However, this leaves the Lance Knight a bit stunned due to the momentum of his swing.[/b] Axe Knight = 250 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Sword Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 4) Party = 640 HP (-100) WARNING! TWO INCOMING ATTACKS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst Phoenix Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I pull out my grimoire and summon a protective shield made of transparent, light purple bordered hexagons. The shield is wide enough to cover some of the party, but cannot defend the full front. It is, however, immensely resilient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duckmasta2020 Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 Deciding to put myself in harms way I bring forth Shin akuma and have him perform shun goku satsu(the raging demon) on the lance knight. unfortunately this puts me outside the protection of phoenix's shield =/. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I throw a Rasenshuriken at the Axe Knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I see the battle from afar, and sneak up and attack axe knight with my sword, and prepare to defend with my shield Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davok Posted March 25, 2009 Report Share Posted March 25, 2009 I kidnap the knights' families and use them to blackmail the knights into surrendering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I pull out my grimoire and summon a protective shield made of transparent' date=' light purple bordered hexagons. The shield is wide enough to cover some of the party, but cannot defend the full front. It is, however, immensely resilient.[/quote'] The Axe Knight swings its mighty axe and makes contact with the protective shield. It manages to hold for a while, but eventually breaks under the force and enchantment of the axe. However, the force of the blow is immensely weakened. Axe Knight = 250 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Sword Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 3) Party = 530 HP (-110) Deciding to put myself in harms way I bring forth Shin akuma and have him perform shun goku satsu(the raging demon) on the lance knight. unfortunately this puts me outside the protection of phoenix's shield =/. The Sword Knight spends its turn to jump in the way of the Shun Goku Satsu' date=' protecting the Lance Knight. The Shun Goku Satsu managed to defeat the Sword Knight. His sword falls to the ground. [/b'] Axe Knight = 250 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 2) Party = 530 HP I throw a Rasenshuriken at the Axe Knight. The Axe Knight manages to BARELY sidestep out of the way of the thrown Rasengan. However' date=' he takes a bit of damage and loses some armor in the process. This enables him to move faster, though.[/b'] Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 1) Party = 530 HP I see the battle from afar' date=' and sneak up and attack axe knight with my sword, and prepare to defend with my shield[/quote'] The Lance Knight sees you out of the corner of his eye and thrusts his lance at the Axe Knight. Knowing that the Lance Knight would not dare to attack him without reason, the Axe Knight sidesteps out of the way and sees you as he turns. The lance thrusts forward and sends you flying about 100 feet away. Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 3) Party = 500 HP (-30) The Axe Knight, now able to move a bit faster due to having less armor, charges forward with his mighty axe raised and brings it down upon the party with incredible force. Luckily, this attack was a bit slow on the execution and was easily avoided. However, it left a large crater where the axe made contact with the ground. Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 3)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 2) Party = 500 HP (Miss!) I kidnap the knights' families and use them to blackmail the knights into surrendering. The knights look at each other and laugh at the foolish attempt to force surrender. They state that will only lay down their weapons when they are dead. Negoatiations and blackmail will not work against these bloodthirsty knights' date=' it appears.[/b'] Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 2)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 1) Party = 500 HP WARNING! LANCE KNIGHT ATTACK IMPENDING! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davok Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I use the knights' families corpses to block the attack of the Lance Knight's lance. I then use Strength Up to intensely boost my strength, grab the Lance Knight's lance and rotate it until it faces his groin. Then I stab down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I use the knights' families corpses to block the attack of the Lance Knight's lance. I then use Strength Up to intensely boost my strength' date=' grab the Lance Knight's lance and rotate it until it faces his groin. Then I stab down.[/quote'] The Lance Knight's lance pierces the corpses. Seeing this as an opportunity, the Lance Knight makes another thrust, shoving his lance through the corpses and into your chest. The force of the surprise attack interrupts your action and leaves you staggering in pain. Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 1)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 4) Party = 430 HP (-70) WARNING! AXE KNIGHT ATTACK IMMINENT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davok Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I jump on the Axe Knight's head, drowning him with my own bodily fluids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I cast Curaja and Refleja on the party, then use Chibaku Tensei on the ground below the two knights. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I jump on the Axe Knight's head' date=' drowning him with my own bodily fluids.[/quote'] The Axe Knight is stunned by your jumping on his head, but throws you to the ground. This action has interrupted his action and left him temporarily incapacitated. Axe Knight = 180 HP (Turns until attack = 4)Lance Knight = 100 HP (Turns until attack = 3) Party = 390 HP (-40 from impact with ground) I cast Curaja and Refleja on the party' date=' then use Chibaku Tensei on the ground below the two knights.[/quote'] The Curaja spell increase the party's HP by 1000 and the Refleja spell takes effect. Not sure what Chibaku Tensei is, but I'm going to guess that it hurts) Axe Knight = 30 HP (Turns until attack = 3) Party = 1,390 HP (+1000 by the effect of Curaja) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 Chibaku Tensei is basically an attack that magnetizes the surrounding environment, eventually creating a miniature moon. I throw a large chunk of plywood at the Axe Knight, then cast Fire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 Chibaku Tensei is basically an attack that magnetizes the surrounding environment' date=' eventually creating a miniature moon. I throw a large chunk of plywood at the Axe Knight, then cast Fire.[/quote'] The Axe Knight is unable to dodge the thrown plywood and is soundly defeated... VICTORY! Party's Max HP has been increased to 2,000 NEXT BATTLE After defeating the Knight Trio, you continue to walk down the path. It's a hot summer's day and the heat is starting to take a small toll. You all notice a lake in the distance and decide to head in the general direction. Upon arriving at the lake, you see this figure standing out looking at the lake. The guy is wearing a red cape, underwear on the outside of a blue leotard, and has a duck on his head for some reason. He turns around, looks at you with a peculiar stare, and shouts "I know what you did to my brother, you monster. Prepare to feel the wrath of Captain Stupid!". Without having time to wonder what the heck is up with this guy, Captain Stupid charges at you: BATTLE BEGIN Captain Stupid = 3,500 HP (Scary, isn't it?) Party HP = 2,000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I summon the megalomaniacal Professor Genius. The shear ingenuity that Professor Genius exerts forms a great gravitational force that implodes Captain Stupid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturn of Elemia Posted March 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 I summon the megalomaniacal Professor Genius. The shear ingenuity that Professor Genius exerts forms a great gravitational force that implodes Captain Stupid. Captain Stupid emerges with only minor damage inflicted. He points out that he has super underwear that can absorb damage' date=' but takes a horrible toll (if you know what that means). [Do enough damage and he's gonna get stunned for a while']. His annoying laughter from the event gets on your nerves slightly and you all step into a nearby anthill. The ants bite your feet and inflict minor damage. Captain Stupid = 3,500 HPAbsorbed Damage = 500 / 1000 Party HP = 1,995 (-5 from ants) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duckmasta2020 Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009 very well this looks tough but im gunna make a a gamble and activate the trap card Bridge of Death. Now, captain stupid Answer these questions three ere the other side he see. What is your name? what is your quest? and what is the capital of Assyria? (lol reference to monty python and the holy grail) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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