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Flip Trolls MKII


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3 morphing jar # 2

3 needle worm

1 morphing jar

1 night assailant

3 penguin soldier

3 spear cretin

3 dekoichi

3 magical merchant



2 book of moon

3 book of taiyou

3 book of eclipse

3 shallow grave

2 allure

1 card destruction



3 desert sunlight

3 waboku



deck 40



extra deck:

1 gorz

1 snipe hunter

2 needle ceiling

3 bottomless

2 old vindictive

1 torrential

1 heavy storm

1 mst

1 trunade

2 ultimate offering





flip trolls mk 2.


playbook? simple.

troll with flips.

cards like waboku, spear cretin, morph 2, penguins, and pretty much anything in the god damn deck help funk up the pace of the game, meanwhile hes drawin a few extra a turn from eclipse and other things, and needle worm is millin 5 a shot, reusable with book of moon and eclipse, etc etc

its a mill deck, btw.

purpose is to mill.

merchant helps get me the spells and traps i need.



ask about any cards you dont understand.



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morphing jar, morphing jar 1, whatever.


spear cretin is a no. hes very easily abusable, and as a psuedo permanent shield from attacks, he should be run at 3. plus hes allure fodder.

dekoichi is also allure fodder, and trust me, having something with 14 attack is nice in a deck that cant be crushed.


old vindictive and brain jacker were just some interesting choices. vindictive is self explanatory, and brain is only useful if i manage to flip him myself (i have the mts to do it)

but theyre both allure food.


and you dont know how many times having a bouncer has saved my ass from freaking synchros.

stardust has nothing on that sheet.


while i like sangan, and i wanted a 3rd book of moon, theres one stipulation that keeps me from it.

morph 2.

if i were to increase the spell count by that kind of number, morph 2 would kill me in 3 turns.

in order to run 3 of those guys (and i really want to, because its a broken ass card), i have to have at least half monsters. running that many spells would be an exercise in futility, as the first morph2 would pitch half of em.


also consider, this deck has little staying power. most of the monsters die at the end of their turn, unless brought back with spear or shallow.

i like hand destruction, although it doesnt work with assailant, but what i dont like is discarding first.

and last, i rarely have the hand advantage to use spell reproduction or magical stone excavation.

i could add a sangan and book of moon to make it 42, but i dont really want to.

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[3] Needle Worm

[3] Morphing Jar #2

[1] D.D. Warrior Lady

[1] Sangan

[1] Spirit Reaper

[1] Marshmallon

[1] Morphing Jar




[3] Hand Destruction

[3] Dark World Dealings

[3] Book of Eclipse

[3] Upstart Goblin

[3] Cup of Ace

[2] Book of Moon

[2] The Shallow Grave

[1] Pot of Avarice

[1] Card Destruction

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Monster Reborn




[3] Threatening Roar

[2] Waboku

[1] Gravity Bind

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@zaradon, read the post silly.

its a mill deck.


@fatty, night assailant was limited because more than one of him can create an infinite loop that allows free discards. discard him for vortex and retrieve another copy of him from the grave.


@kirby, im sorry man, that wont work at all. the first morph2 to go off will kill the deck. even with a field of one monster, lets assume it is the morph2 and they didnt attack it, odds are 3:1 that each card picked up will be an mt. in other words, statistically speaking, i have to mill on average 3 to put down one monster.

thats bad.

no books of taiyou or desert sunlight means the speed is cut in half, and once a dad, judgment, chaos, whatever hits the field, capable of destroying without attacking, i lose instantly, as this deck will be incapable of responding regardless of the turns given to do so. in fact, the only card in your lineup thats capable of altering the opponents field presence in my favor, aside from warrior lady, is my morph 2, which will end up milling me sooner than him.

while upstart, dwd, and carddestruction are lovely additions, they take up too much space.

furthermore, the entire monster lineup is straight staples.

i dont even know why bind is in here.



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Okay, I've been testing, and I think I found a deck that works.




[3] Needle Worm

[3] Morphing Jar #2

[3] Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

[2] Spear Cretin

[1] Night Assailant

[1] D.D. Warrior Lady

[1] Sangan

[1] Spirit Reaper

[1] Marshmallon

[1] Morphing Jar




[3] Hand Destruction

[3] Dark World Dealings

[3] Book of Eclipse

[2] Book of Moon

[2] The Shallow Grave

[1] Pot of Avarice

[1] Card Destruction

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Monster Reborn




[3] Waboku

[2] Desert Sunlight

[1] Gravity Bind

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taiyou, situational and minus-y as it is, speeds up the deck considerably.

having only the 2 desert sunlights to work flips on my turn is bad.

gravity bind is alright, but theres too much mt destruction out there to make it worth it.


i cant believe i didnt think of waboku over roar in this deck.

thanks for that much.


8 darks and no allure?



in testing ive found that allure trips me up a bit, but it still speeds through.

im actually thinking of merchant at 3, because without the spells, this deck can only do so much.


no penguin soldier? he rapes the synchros.

maybe sidedeck option.

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upon further testing, magical merchant is an excellent addition. he completely rids me of that dead draw monster problem. the spells and traps are the important sheet here.

im thinking of a third...



dropped vindictives to teh side deck for another penguin and the 3rd merchant

allure with 7 darks is a bit iffy.

but it shouldnt be too bad.

im actually thinking maybe chaos at this point, but i dunno.

might want cyber valley before that.

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double post~


somebody suggested this to me at some point, so i altered it in the main deck

-3 roar

+3 waboku

usually roar is preferable, however, with gbs on the decline, waboku is superior. waboku still allows the attack to go through, so the monster being attacked still gets flipped.


the purpose of this game is to take as much control away from my opponent as possible, so letting them attack still is a bit icky, but it works to my overall advantage.

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