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The World Ends With You


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Yesterday, my dad let me go to GameStop and buy a used DS game (but it had to be under $25). And one of the first used game I saw was The World Ends With You (and thankfully it was under $25).


Hearing all the hype about it on the internet, I bought it, and now I can't stop playing it. It's an awesome game. The game is addicting, and my dad even said it was a good game. Square Enix made another great game.


So, does anyone have it, or played it? If so, what do you think about it?

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I've heard of this' date=' but hearing that Square-Enix made it makes me want it.


They did Final Fantasy, y'know.



And Kingdom Hearts.


I had to start my game over, my sister deleted my game. I still need work with the battle system. But it's a cool game. Has cussing in it to :P.

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