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:: WC09 Deck - Multi-Purpose ::

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Before anyone says anything, I know using multiple deck winners is a bad choice, but so far they seem to be doing quite well. Basically it utilizes Exodia, Destiny Board, Truth-Simochi, Final Countdown, and Wave-Motion while also stalling for time for said cards. However since I completely suck as far as decks are concerned I could use some help on this deck. And yes, those are the JAPANESE Spirit Messages which spell DEATH.



Giant Soldier of Stone x3

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Destiny Hero -Defender x3

Emissary of the Afterlife x3

Exodia the Forbidden One

Kuraz the Light Monarch



Spirit Reaper



Dark Eruption

Final Countdown

Hand Destruction x3

Monster Reincarnation x2

Spirit Message A

Spirit Message E

Spirit Message H

Spirit Message T

Wave-Motion Cannon x3



Backup Soldier x2

Bad Reaction to Simochi

Defense Draw x2

Destiny Board

Gravity Bind

Jar of Greed x3

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor x2

The Eye of Truth

Torrential Tribute




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Before anyone says anything' date=' I know using multiple deck winners is a bad choice, but so far they seem to be doing quite well. Basically it utilizes Exodia, Destiny Board, Truth-Simochi, Final Countdown, and Wave-Motion while also stalling for time for said cards. However since I completely suck as far as decks are concerned I could use some help on this deck. And yes, those are the JAPANESE Spirit Messages which spell DEATH.



Giant Soldier of Stone x3

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Destiny Hero -Defender x3

Emissary of the Afterlife x3

Exodia the Forbidden One

Kuraz the Light Monarch



Spirit Reaper



Dark Eruption

Final Countdown

Hand Destruction x3

Monster Reincarnation x2

Spirit Message A

Spirit Message E

Spirit Message H

Spirit Message T

Wave-Motion Cannon x3



Backup Soldier x2

Bad Reaction to Simochi

Defense Draw x2

Destiny Board

Gravity Bind

Jar of Greed x3

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor x2

The Eye of Truth

Torrential Tribute





replace stone with with 3 gelenduos.( the unkillable fairy as long as you don't take damage.) that might work.



interesting deck idea.

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