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Digimon: Seven Demon Lords {Remake} [F13]

Phantom Roxas

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OoC: Sorry I Didn't post yet, been a little busy.


Haaris Stood on a deserted Island, It was getting far, and The closest Source of water was Miles away.


"Hey Impmon, should we Keep going and get to the Waterfall, it might take a while, but It would probably be the best thing we could do at the Moment."


Haaris stared at His small Purple little Friend, with a Confused look on his face.


"Truthfully Haaris, I wanna Keep going, I Know their are Others Near by, And if we can Find them maybe it will be easier to Travel in a group, With the random Outburst of evil Digimon lately, you Can never be certain"


"Very Well Impmon, It has been Decided we will Continue, But just saying, if we do meet others, Let's make sure we can trust them"


Haaris and Impmon ran South-West of where they were standing.

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Without even looking at the new arival, "Well you sure talk high and mighty. I mean what gives you to talk like that? You seem like the kind of guy who thinks to much of himself." Jacob puts his arms behind his head to look more laid back. "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. So if you don't mind the way I see it you got 3 choices; 1 Shut up, 2 Help us, 3 go away. What you choose doesn't really matter to me." Jacob turns back towards the rest and appears to have a drowsy look upon his face.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Your messages conflict," Ytidens pointed out. "One second you condemn pointless fighting; the next, you initiate it. Think your arguments through.


"In any case, your charges of arrogance may or may not be unfounded," he continued. "You can choose to find out — thus violating your first warning, might I add — or choose not to, and continue making potentially erroneous accusations throughout your career."


"If you choose the latter," he finished, "I recommend you silence your comrades so we can begin our negotiations."

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"Sometimes....." Jacob releases a sigh, "sometimes fighting cannot be avioded. But that doesn't makes it less wrong. Fighting never solves anything, only covers up a problem." Jacob turns back around to this mysterious person and stick his tongue out and smiles. "But what do I know I'm just a kid, he-he. To tell you the truth your in no place for "negotiations". We are all trapped here and were going to have to work together. Otherwise they ,whoever they are, wouldn't have brought all of us here and made it so easy to find eachother. Ya know?" Jacob continues giving a smirk as Wizardmon stands beside his partner.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Oh, yes, random challenges in response to valid critiques are all but inevitable." Ytidens said darkly.


"As I have already stated, I have consolidated my power on a stronghold which, even now, I could reach without your knowledge of where it was. By the time you found the place, I would have access to considerable blast power beyond anything even an Adult-level Digimon could conjure. So, I do believe a request for negotiations with your team is perfectly valid."

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: I love it when this kind of argument happens; we really do have clashing ideologies, and we're basically using the RP as a medium for a philosophical debate.




"Don't bother with stealth," Ytidens said dismissively, barely missing a beat. "We know you're there; we've been at the game longer than you, I don't doubt."


OoC: To be fair, Dreadmon can turn invisible, smell fear, et cetera...

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"I very well may be a friend," Ytidens said smoothly. "However, I'd like to involve the tamer of Strabimon in our negotiations. He seems one of the few rational minds among you."


OoC: How ironic is this? In the original, Arthur's impulsiveness was a massive plot device, getting Ytidens killed and making him a higher priority than the Demon Lords. Now, he's the only one Ytidens respects on the whole team...

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OoC: Hey Roxas do you mind if I Change Impmon's champion level? Boogeymon is just retarded, if not It's ok, Maybe Devimon?


"Haaaaaaaarriiss.... Are We Their Yet?!" The Curious digimon asked in a very boring tone.


"Impmon please stop whining, we should almost be their, It Should be Right behind that hill" Haaris Exclaimed as he pointed forward.


Haaris walked a little and didn't hear Impmon following him. Haaris turned to see Impmon frozen with fear.


"Impmon? Impmon! What's up buddy?" Haaris asked with an equally scared Face.


"I Since a Strong Digimon coming towards us. A Big One."


Haaris Laughed a bit, then said "Great, Fighting Digimon is what I Do."

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OoC: I see the irony too, Supreme. Still, we don't know what Arthur will do that will affect Ytidens to a degree as big as that. Also, that was my first Roleplay on this site, and I've come a long way since then. Also SkyFire, feel free to change the line. I too detest Boogeymon, so Impmon->Devimon->NeoDevimon would be fine, unless Supreme disagrees.


IC: Arthur couldn't help but be annoyed by the boy that was hiding in the bushes. Arthur offered to help him if he was hurt, but then he just ignores him. However, the new arrival seemed to interesting. Arthur could tell that he was smarter than the rest of the bickering humans Arthur had to deal with, and he couldn't help but enjoy seeing the boy with the Wizardmon banter with the mysterious boy, who claimed to have built a fortress. Truly he would be an asset against the Demon Lords.


Strabimon was no longer fighting the Strabimon, which Arthur was glad to see. Sure, Strabimon suffered a scratch or two, but the wounds would heal. The new, smart boy - Arthur really needed to get the names of everyone - had said he would like to involve Arthur in their "negotiations". Arthur was honored to be recognized as "one of the few rational minds" amongst the group. It gave him a sense of pride that he simply could not repress.


"My name is Arthur." he said, hoping to get the names of the others. "I appreciate the compliment. Now, would each of you care to introduce yourselves?

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OoC: Yeah Roxas that sounds Good to me.


Impmon spread a big Grin on his face and said "Ready Haaris?"


Haaris Nodded and they confronted the Digimon. A Large Purple bear Digimon who was just finishing Absorbing another Digimon's data confronted them.


"Haaris, that Digimon is known as Grizzylymon, he is Very deadly Digimon, Don't let your Guard down"


The beast tried To Maul Haaris, When Impmon blasted it with a Small Fire ball.


"Let's go" Impmon ran at the Digimon dodging It's attack's and Taunting it.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Impmon's is the Beezlemon line, remember?




"Gratuitous subtlety rarely enhances a point," the cynic pointed out.


"I call myself Ytidens. You may use what title you will."

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OoC: Supreme Gamemaster, I Know that me and Roxas were thinking Impmon - Devimon - NeoDevimon - Beelzemon


"Infernal Funnel!" Impmon Created two rings of fire, one within the other, and created a sphere of fire from the ring, which he then hurled at Grizzlymon . Grizzlymon Countered and then The symbol on his forehead glowed and he attacked with a moon shaped beam.


"C'mon Impmon! You can do this!" Haaris ran towards the beast and Punched it. As soon as Haaris nailed him with the Punch, The Digimon fled.


"Hmm? What the, Impmon, Why did he flee?" Haaris asked as we was still eager to fight.


"Im not sure Haaris but look! It's the Waterfall!" The Purple little Digimon asked as he Pointed forward.


"Great, we'll camp there tonight, hopefully we Will meet others"

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OoC: L, Arthur has known Ryusake's name from the beginning. Delete your post, please.


IC: So apparently the boy hiding in the bushes completely ignored Arthur's offer for help him if he was hurt. But at least the others paid attention. One of them said his name was Jacob, and apparently asking a question had cost Arthur "interest points". Arthur wasn't sure if he wanted to know what Jacob meant by that.


The other boy introduced himself as Ytidens, after once again pointing out the flaws in Jacob's statements. However, Jacob took Arthur's chance to comment on how strange the name sounded.


"That's a low blow, Jacob." Arthur said at last. "Just because his name sounds...strange, for a lack of a better term, doesn't mean his parents hated him."

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