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TCG Card Maker V 1.0 {UpDate! -New Place!-}


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I am in no way, trying to compete with YCMaker. I am doing this on my own time, by myself. Let it be known, that YCMaker definitely more skilled than me, in this category.

I am in no way, trying to compete with YCMaker. I am doing this on my own time, by myself. Let it be known, that YCMaker definitely more skilled than me, in this category.


That's right, I need some tester's.

I only be taking five.

And those five have to agree to all my rules, before they find out what their testing.


If you don't agree to them you wont be testing.


Beta List:







No more tester's will be accepted for now


[align=center]TCG Card Maker V 1.0


Poke'Mon Live Preview!



Made with the Card Maker




Do you want to test the TCG Maker?!

A live Public Version, is now available Here!

Note, the Poke'Mon Maker works the best, thus far. And is the only one with the Holo Chooser.

To save the card images, Right Click > Copy Image


If you have any holo's that you think should be added to the TCG Maker, PM them to me!

Also, my server isn't as good as YCM, so depending on how many people are on, there will be lag, and you might have to refresh a couple of times. ALSO, THERE IS NO SAVE FEATURE, SO REMEMBER, IF YOU PRESS THE BACK BUTTON, BECAUSE YOU REALIZE YOU HAVE MADE A MISTAKE, YOUR TEXT MY NOT ALWAYS BE THERE!



Yu-Gi-Oh Cards:

-Monster/Ritual/Fusion/Normal/Synchro/Dark Synchro/Spell/Trap

--Effect/Gemini/Toon/Tuner/Dark Tuner/Spirit/Union/Divine

---The ability to choose a holo for your images!

---In light of the fact that the text isn't correct yet, I have decided to implement a holo option. Which will be able for all the card makers, but will be tested on the Yu-Gi-Oh card maker. For those of you having trouble uploading pictures (my beta testers, and those whom were leaked the link) your file must be a png, and when you copy the link, make sure you don't have any extra spaces or characters.

Pokemon Cards:

-Grass/Lightning/Darkness/Fire/Colorless/Water/Fighting/Psychic (Templates Finshed)

--Basic Pokemon (Templates Finished) /Trainer Cards (Templates still need to be made)



Will Include:

Magic the Gathering Cards

Group Projects (Other Variations of TCG Cards)



Needs to be fixed:

Text resizing for both name and description. Fixed

Divine Attribute Picture Fixed

Sub-Type bug Fixed

Picture Resize Fixed!

The right text to use. Fixed, for now.


[spoiler=Known Bugs]

-Divine Attribute appears as Counter Trap symbol

It is that image for now, because I do not have a Divine Attribute picture yet.

-Font size for ATK and DEF is too big.

Anything related to font, is because it is not the right font. Polaris gave me some links to the right fonts, but at this time, they are purchase only. =/

-All non-effect monsters shown as Normal monsters

I will try and work this kink out. I thought I had everything fixed, lol guess I was wrong.

-Name font size too small

Again, not the right font/I had to do a cheesey font resize, so the only ones the really look good, are the first and second resizes. (The drop box at the right of both the name and the description box, allows you to resize based on character amount.)

-Type not appearing on card

Can you give me some more specific details about this bug, like what you have selected and what you don't. Because I just tried it, and it appears just fine for me..

-creator name over 5 character runs off of card

This is because as of right now, I can only figure out how to get my text to align left ro right. Where on the YCM card maker, it is aligning right to left, for some, and left to right for others.

-copyright date too far to the right

This again is due to the aligning

-misplaced pixel on bottom right of counter trap symbol.

That is actually the symbol going over the bracket, that will be an easy fix.




Some of these are just rough drafts, like the Dark one, but still..

[spoiler=Pokemon Preview!]



















More to come!





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Just out of curiosity:


Can the 5 testers tell the public what they're testing?


Lol they can say what they're testing, but they can't provide a source.


I am, however going to be revealing what they're testing right now, I just got type everything up.

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So let me get this straight..


Planning on making your own new site are ya..


You have been' date=' asking a lot of computer related questions and that lately..





Already have. Now I'm just working out the kinks.


And it's not a forum. Just the Card Maker itself.

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Umm interesting...


Will there be a means of communication on there at all or is it just card maker nothing else..


Right now, it is just the card maker.


Once at least one of the TCG Makers is complete. I will integrate it into an overall, actual site.


Whether or not they're will be communication, is still undecided.

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