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'NEW' Swordsman Adventure RP (OVER) LOCK PLEASE


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rjoury "this city seems nice" *trips and falls on his fack* "umph, i hate falling" *gets up and sees a person walking by* "hello there ma'am"

woman "why hello there i'm Marrisa, might i ask what your name is?"

rjoury "im Rjoury, nice to meet you"

Marrisa "do you have a place to stay?"

rjoury "no, why?"

Marrisa "you can stay at my place if you want"

rjoury "your very nice ma'am, i'd be honered to stay with you"

Marrisa "well your welcome to" *she pointed down the road* "i live over there, you just come by whenever you wish"

rjoury "thank you" *walks off*

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OOC: Sorry The Dark Prince but you can't be neutral you got to pick Good or Bad.


a stranger with a sword comes up to the group

Stranger*You guy's must be new at this place.These guys are just here to watch.Only 10 swordsman where chosen to come here.

the stranger then walks away


Yumi*So how did they find us I wonder?

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*somewhere in the desert*

????: it's almost time... where is my sword? *turns around and walks over to a sand dune with a handel sticking out of it* oh, here it is... it's time to go now... i'll miss you, Marisia... *turns back around and walks away.

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*close to the edge of the desert*

????:.... i either go the the city or the Oasis... for a tornament i've never heard of... only one person could have sent me that invetation, he's the only on that knows i'm a swords man... but he's dead. unless... *thinks it over deeply* i'm going... now, how to get there faster than on foot...oh, i'll find a way. *starts to walk off*

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