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'NEW' Swordsman Adventure RP (OVER) LOCK PLEASE


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Akima stopped Yumi "But he's already injured he should sit this one out because I'll bet that none of the guards are bandaged and if he walks in like that people will start asking questions." Akima continued with a paniced look "And if there you are supposed to be guarding the entrance don't you think that someone will wonder what you're doing inside? And then you guys will have blown everything!"

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William: no one will see it, but what if you collapse from pain while we are fighting? what then? we may be allies, but i have never risked my life for someone who wouldn't even properly heal up first, i won't start now. here, *hands a small green item to Zak* crush this, chew it up, cover it in water, and then put it on your wound, it'll heal just fine.

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OOC: andrew, i'm William on here, but i knew who you meant anyways.



william: now we move on and find our own guards. *walks past the fallen guards and looks around for more* there! *hides back behind wall* Akima, there are two guards up above us, if we can get them, we're in home free, you ready?

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