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Official Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2009 Thread


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I'm frustrated I can't make the part at the security place where they have my D-wheeler and my Deck I can't avoid the guys when I switch the door and have 2:30 minutes to reach the other part T_T


That took me a really long time and i started shoutting at the game then i got told off for shoutting.......

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  'ArmityleChaosPhantom said:

Hi' date='

my father downloadeed the game just yesterday,

and i thought it would be English ... or japanese.

And guess what... It´s german o_o

When do you get to do turbo duels?



If it's ONLY German, something's wrong. Because it's supposed to allow you to select your language beforehand. As for Turbo Duels...they come late in the game i'm assuming.

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I solved 3,2 and 4


[spoiler=The solution of Puzzle 3 and 4]

Puzzle 3

1. Activate Raigeki Break discarding Speed Warrior and destroy Burden of the Mighty.

2. Summon Junk Synchron and use Junk Synchron's effect to Special Summon Speed Warrior.

3. Special Summon Quillbolt Hedgehog and Turbo Booster.

4. Synchro Summon Colossal Fighter.

5. Activate Final Attack Orders.

6. Activate Skill Drain.

7. Destroy all enemies with Colossal Fighter by using his effect every time it destroys the opponent's monsters.

8. When all enemies are destroyed, activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy Skill Drain.

9. Attack the opponent.


Puzzle 4

1. Activate Destructotron Force. Destroy the Mirror Force

2. Activate Telekinetic Power Well, Special Summoning both monsters from the Graveyard

3. Normal Summon Psychic Snail.

4. Use Psychic Snail's effect on Destructotron.

5. Use Mind Master's effect, tribute Psychic Snail and Special Summon Power Injector

6. Use Mind Master's effect, tribute Krebons and Special Summon Psychic Commander

7. Activate Power Injector's effect

8. Equip Psychic Sword on Destructotron

9. Use Mind Master to attack Spirit Reaper and use Psychic Commander's effect.

10. Attack with all your monsters.


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