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YuGiOh! Turbo Speed Tournament~Started~Need 3 Zons

The Dark Prince

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Disrack:"monster facedown end my turn."

Chris: 2800

You: 4000


lol, did you read it >_> what you posted?


"Well now it is my turn as I play giant trunade." As the a strong wind appears pushing the spell and trap cards into the sky. "I shall wait as do you have a chain?"

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Disrack:"Two of the trap cards that you sent away actvate sence you destroyed them.bonding spell"

lighjt cam from the sky

Disrack:"I can return one Continus magic or trap card from my grave and place it face up,if it has a effect it can't be actvate, if the card has a effect that cant be actvate at this time it is just played face up, or i can draw 2 cards. The first one i will put back face up. Depth Amulet"

Chain then my next one will actvate.

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Degas watched from the stands of the audience, his masked face betraying not a hint of emotion. Those sitting near him had attempted to strike up conversation at one point, but had eventually stopped when it was evident that he was not going to speak. Eventually, they had moved away, sufficiently disturbed by the silent, masked man, watching the proceedings with a calculated grimace.


He paused for a second, as he looked down, and cocked his head to the side with an interested sound. 'Hm. Signers, I feel the presence of Signers... how interesting that so many have decided to congregate in such a small place. Just as well... they shall be the perfect bait for my quarry.'

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"I don't chain as this will be the turn you lose." Chris smirks as he grabs two cards as they fell from the sky. "Now I activate the final light." The sky turns dark as a beam of light comes down. "This shall be the end."


[spoiler=Final Light]

Trap / Counter

"If this card is returned to your hand by an effect of a card, activate this card. All cards on the field to the Graveyard, both players special summon 1 monster from their deck ignoring there summoning condition."




--any thing?

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Disrack:"i actvate my second card allowing me to use my second facedown.I splay my filed spell. Eternal Gate as long as i to pay 500 lifepoint to protect it my Eternal Gate can't be destroyed. Know sence i can summon a monster i play a Earthbound god.vor maby somthing better, you get to summon first."

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--Well that is still blunt >_> we need a rule earthbounds can attack directly. Maybe 1 allowed...........



"Well fine an earthbound god does not scare me." As the light comes from the sky as angelic figure comes from the sky. "I summon the guiding angel -Gabriel."




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 monsters you control and removing 5 cards from your Graveyard from play. When this card is Summoned, negate all effects of Monster, Spell and Trap Cards on the field, except this card. Decrease the ATK of each monster on the field to 1000 until the End Phase, except this card. you can discard 2 cards from your hand, increase this card's ATK by 500 for each monster your opponent controls until the End Phase.

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Degas paused, making the first sound that any of those near had heard from him, in the past few hours. More an a couple jumped slightly. Degas wasn't bothered by their rabbit-like movement, however, and did not speak more.


'One of the Signers is... in pain, perhaps? Hm... the Dark are often drawn to those too weak to defend themselves, like the lame elk of a herd. But then, physical injury rarely incapacitates a Signer. Hm... Either way, it warrants my attention moreso than this pitiful duel does. Degas thought to himself, then stood up, rearing to his entire height. A couple people jumped at his tall stature, wild hair and dangerous-looking mask, but none made a comment. In truth, he was more bored with his current scenario than curious about the injured Signer, but he feigned importance in the task in order to leave his position without inner guilt. Degas strolled leisurely past the dismayed audience, following the internal signal he felt, unknowing at the time towards Brandon.

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ooc:i dont have to tell you witich one nore do i have to say if i will summon a earthbound, i did say maby somthing better. i have a fined deck based around the earthbound gods a Dark syncnro monster, and 2 Card that is called Wicked. So i gess i will just take 1 earthboud god for this deck.


Disrack:"I have chosen somthing better The Wicked Dreadroot."

Ooc:The Wicked Dreadroot is not a banned card. you can actualy have 3 of them in your deck, but most peopple sugest not doing that.



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Degas simply folded his arms, looked away from the male Signer, and sat down on a free seat to watch the duel from this new vantage point -keeping the injured one within his peripheral vision, of course (Of course, not literally, as his mask blocked the sides of his eyes, but at least with his mental radius). 'This entire tournament is a pot of honey, ready to draw out the flies. Perhaps this strip of decomposing meat would also entice them to strike... and reveal themselves.

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