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YuGiOh! Turbo Speed Tournament~Started~Need 3 Zons

The Dark Prince

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"I play Mystacal Space Typhoon and destroy Redirect"


Chase draws.


"It's time...

Nova I can asure you that you will be defeted in two turns.

I play my face down,

Diferent Demention Capsole.

That's not all...

I play from my hand 2 more Diferent Demention Capsoles.

Now to choose the cards."


Chase looks through deck and picks 3 cards and then shuffles it.


"I end."




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--Okay then, I don't have time for a long duel how is 4000 Life Points sound?


Chris was standing in the center of the arena as the crowd goes wild. "Let us get this duel started now." Placing his duel disk on his arm as it activated. "Do you mind if I go first?" Holding his hand as he looks he joy.

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"I draw. i active monster reborn now my Speed Turbo is back Now i synchro my speed warrior Zoom and Turbo to summon my Speed Hydro Dragon 90747a.jpg.Now when my monster is summon all your cards on your field are destroyed. i remove my Speed Warrior Zoom and Ruby. Since i removed them my dragon ATK increase by 800 for their levels. *Speed Warrior Hydro Dragon ATK:8800*." Nova arm was glowing." Now im end this duel Speed Hydro Dragon end this duel with Electro Star Blast. The Game little brother."




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--Great some random field of sheep >_> I need to summon a monster to eat them.


"Well well well, you need a defense that weak don't you?" Chris looks at the fuzz for all they are worth. Placing the palm of his hand on his deck as he draws. "Really this is interesting. I flip-summon my face-down card. Ignorance in defense position." As the monster is summoned as a little girl appears there before them all."



Warrior / Tuner

Level 2 / Light

200 ATK / 300 DEF


"When this card is Summoned, you can pay 500 Life Points, both players cannot activate an effect of an Spell or Trap Card, until the End Phase this card is Summoned. If this is effect is activated you can increase this card's Level by 4 until the End Phase."




--Any chains?

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"Well that won't help you one bit, I pay 800 Life Points to Special Summon The Despair Innocence in attack position." Chris placing a card on his disk as he look at the opponents field thinking.


The Despair Innocence


Level 4 / Dark

900 ATK / 1500 DEF


“If you control 1 “Innocence” monster, you can pay 800 Life Points to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. Place 1 Innocence Counters on this card for each Spell or Trap Card you control (max. 2). If your opponent activates an effect of a Spell, Trap or Monster Card, you can remove 2 Innocence Counters from this card to negate the card. If this card is destroyed by battle, you can pay 500 Life Points to place 2 Innocence Counters on an “Innocence” monster you control.”

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