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YuGiOh! Turbo Speed Tournament~Started~Need 3 Zons

The Dark Prince

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Degas crossed his spectral arms. Obviously the Signers could not see him- he was simply a visitor in this dream. At most, the one whose' eyes he was looking through might detect his presence, but only barely. Perhaps as a dark wisp, at the corner of his eyes...


Still, their conversation was interesting.

Masked girl? He muttered to himself, having missed the person in question by a couple minutes. 'Interesting... it seems there is another Zon around here. But where is here? This no ordinary dream... hmmm...


Degas turned to regard the Signer Dragons, which had seemed to become more active. 'What's this then?'

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Degas paused, smirked and sneered at the dragon that had just spoken.


'So you say so elegantly, "regal" dragon. The Zons care naught about the Signers beyond as bait. They will need to be destroyed eventually, of course, but it is a very poor fisherman himself who catches a fish to rid himself of worms.

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