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0G's Tut Hall - Includes a Guide to Noobs


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[spoiler=Guide to Noobs]Okay, anyone who has spent any sort of time on a forum has come across a noob.

For those of you who are unsure of my meaning here, I am not referring to those new members who are good, contributing societal cogs. No, I am reffering to those who blatantly disregard to rules of conduct for the site, and spam and flame those around them.


Now, many noobs, in response to their actions, recieve messages or posts such as:

"Be less noobish"




Whether or not this is true (as it oftentimes is), it is completely unhelpful to the improvement of that user's quality on the site. It may make you feel better, but that same user will continue to be a problem down the road.


Now, many members of sites that have a particularly strong case of noob-infection seem to take the Ban first, ask questions later approach. Again, this is a terrible idea. All members of a forum were, at some point, a noob, so to categorize new members as inherently bannable in counter-intuitive and childish.


Okay, noobs (unlike the mainstream of internet aristocrats) do not repond to regular logic and self interest. This is because, oftentimes, the noobs are at a young enough age where these ideas have not had the ability to take root in their minds. Thus, using a logical approach will oftentimes prove innefective.

Also, neg repping them will often only bring about a revenge rep and pointless arguement.

So, how exactly should they be handled?

Well, contrary to the regular mammalian sense of self-justice, it is best to allow those in power on the site to handle to noobs, or as it can be put, do their jobs. By allowing them to handle it, you stop yourself from judgment, and also allow others to see the noob for what they truly are, instead of seeing them as a victim responding to abusive attack.


I know it may seem strange, but it often the best way to go.



I will add more Tuts here as I think of them.

If you want a Tut on something, request it here.

I hope you enjoy.

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Saying popularity creates noobs is ridiculous.

I have seen sites as active as this one but with a dramatically lower noob level.

Also, please note that many members on the site are inactive. (I didn't count how many, but a lot of pages in the members search were members that have never posted)

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