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Now you all wait while I pick some random lower level pins.


Here's the list.



Burning Cherry (-)

Ichimonji (+)



Force Rounds (-)

Murasame (+)



Strong Spirit (=)

Pop Pendulum (-)



Psychokinesis (=)

Happy Beam (-)



Meteor Magnet (-)

Pyrokinesis (-)



Eyes Full of Hope (-)

Long Live the Ice (-)



Ice Blow (-)

Shockwave (+)





.:Death Whisper Ryko:.

Strong Body (=)

Cure Drink (=)


.:True Destiny:.

Velocity Attack (+)

Thunderbolt (-)

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I don't think Long live the Ice inflicts damage... I can't harm anybody until my pin evolves twice and does attack breaks and immobilization work on both zones otherwise I can do jack sheet besides avoid getting beaten up long enough for my partner to kill them.

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I don't think Long live the Ice inflicts damage... I can't harm anybody until my pin evolves twice and does attack breaks and immobilization work on both zones otherwise I can do jack s*** besides avoid getting beaten up long enough for my partner to kill them.


I put it in a randomizer. xD


I'll switch it with something else.

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