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I don't feel like waiting, so I'll just post my Psyche.


My character is going to be Patchouli Knowledge. Her only way to damage enemies is with magic spells, meaning all her attacks are negative, making her helpless against Noise that can absorb negative psyches. Her attacks, while powerful, also take time to charge.

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Grah. Yes, you can do psyches all that stuff. Also Frohawk, this isn't a Role Play, this is a Game like the Great Battle- Capture the Castle except your powers are limited to both your pins and your psyche. There's a reason this was posted in the Games section. >.<


Anyway, you can all customize your psyches and stuff... too lazy to do anything drastic at the moment. I'll post the next challenge when everyone's partnered up.


Aero and Haris partnered.

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Hmmmm.... My Unique Psych will be like a limited Version of Death Whisper, It basically gives him a Claymore that can Open itself and Slice some Noise in Half, but it doesn't mean that all of my attacks are Positive, There is only one attack that isn't Positive is the Fact that he can use Psychokinesis(Objects only(Dragon Couture Style)) which is a Neutral attack, He can use pins, But he can only use Pins with a Neutral Psych(Like my Favorite Psych: Irregular Note)


also, I'll pact with ...... Dang Larxene's Taken, so i'll let you pick my Partner


(I actually wanted Larxene so i can literally save her skin when she comes across noise that absorb Negative attacks

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Fine deleted my post, I thought this was an rp for some reason, woops.


Anyway I have decided to have my psyches all revolve around cyromancy, at close range I use punches to freeze my foes and at long range I summon icicle pillars. Also I have the cure drink pin.

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I'm assuming those who don't get pacts get erased? xD


Wow' date=' erased on Day 1. How much can you fail?



Yeah, basically. xD


Those who do not make pacts by tomorrow will face erasure. And really, being erased on the FIRST DAY. Also, Death Whisper, Frohawk and others, you REALLY should pick a partner as soon as possible.

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