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Oppresssed to the Core

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Monsters 20

2 CC powerhand

3 CC drago

3---Blizzard dragon

---Exploder dragon


3---Doomcaliber knight


Grand mole


Magic 11

3 iron core

2 core disposal

3 shrink

3 burden of the mighty


Trap 12

2 bottomless

3 oppression

2 automatic laser

2 dim prison

2 radiance

2 reckless power


ya, think i fixed the hand issue here, gets me chimars and core without much hand advantage sacrifice...lookin for a way to throw in a couple reckless greed but can see what to drop

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Everyone knows that these cards are called KOA'KI MEIRU cards right? not Chimails >_>...

BTW: Doomcalber is MUCH worse than Guardian like everyone here says..run Guardian at 3 and the reveal effect in no problem.

Also, -1 Blizzard, +1 Powerhand.

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