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What do you do when you throw a Pokeball?


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I just throw the stupid ball and sit back. Besides...catching pokemon is really easy...unless you suck at the game.


I could imagine you cranking up some Death Metal and doing some awesome headbanging while trying to catch a Pokemon for some reason.


Well I tried that one time and ended up dropping my DS (I guess I rocked out a bit too hard).


That's why you get one of those straps like they have on the Wii Remote to put around your wrist - so you DON'T drop it in case you swing it around too hard (or rock out too hard in your case)

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I just throw the stupid ball and sit back. Besides...catching pokemon is really easy...unless you suck at the game.


I could imagine you cranking up some Death Metal and doing some awesome headbanging while trying to catch a Pokemon for some reason.


Well I tried that one time and ended up dropping my DS (I guess I rocked out a bit too hard).


That's why you get one of those straps like they have on the Wii Remote to put around your wrist - so you DON'T drop it in case you swing it around too hard (or rock out too hard in your case)


The DS came with one but I took it off because it was annoying me (for some odd reason).

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I Pressed B with the older games' date=' and i think shouted gotcha at one point with diamon/pearl lol


I normally press and hold A





[ and I fap vigorously] <-----


I caught that ;)



Pokemon are much more likely to respond to threats.


Try telling them that you'll kill their families if they don't stay in the Pokeball.


Nope. I hate Bidoof with a Passion so I purposely let the bastard Growl at me. Also the hatred comes out when something more worthwhile is missed. I suicide my Bidoof into something else.




i was wondering if anyone would XD

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What Dark does when he throws a Pokeball:


Step 1: Turn the volume off or so low it is not audible, also known as, off.


Step 2: Open up BAG and throw a Pokeball.


Step 2.1: If throwing a Master Ball, wait for Pokemon to be caught.


Step 2.2: If not throwing a Master Ball, go on to Step 3.


Step 3: Hold L and R until the Pokeball "hits" the Pokemon.


Step 4: Release L and R, and hold A, B, and X or Y.


Step 4.1: Hold X if the Pokemon is rare/legendary/shiny.


Step 4.2: Hold Y if its just a Pokemon.


Step 5: Wait for the Pokemon to be caught.


Step 5.1: If Pokemon is caught, wait for it to be added to the Pokedex, sent to my PC, or partied.


Step 5.2: If Pokemon is not caught, do one of the following.


Step 5.2.1: If too bored, pop in Action Replay and use 100% Capture Rate code.


Step 5.2.2: If not bored, soft reset and try again.


Step 6: Post in this thread.

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New phrase from me trying to catch a Pokemon the other day "GET IN THE f***ing POKEBALL YOU PIECE OF PIXEL s***!" I'm not kidding lol.


Pixel sheet? That sounds like what happens when you ate too many computers for breakfast. ^_^

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I usually press A and B.


Same here. I dnt know why though. It might just be a habit. I think Ive been doing it ever since I got a Pokemanz game.




I've heard that' date=' on the DS, if you shout, "GOTCHA!" during the capture process, you will most likely catch the Pokemon. I'm not sure if it actually works though..



I wouldnt be surprised if it did.

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I have three and a half levels of insanity while doing this:


Level 1: I do nothing, just let the ball hit its target and wait.


Level 2: I turn the volume off, and hit the A button when the ball hits, B when it shakes once, Y on two, and hold X with all my might on 3 along with praying it stays in.


Level 3 (Occurs after 20+ Balls have been wasted): I throw the ball, throw the game down, and start yelling "Get in the d*** ball you f****** piece of bloody s***!!!"


Level 3.5 (Only for legendaries): Throw the ball, set the game down, come back an hour later to see the thing didn't work, start jumping up and down, then I kill the pokemon.

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