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Dark magician/Dark magician girl deck

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Could you post there effects? I use 2 but thats one for dark eradicator warlock' date=' and the other just cause I like boosting DMG. I dont care if she reaks, shes fun to use.



Dark Eradicator Warlock is terrible.


Here, I'll give it a shot.


x22 Monsters


x3 Dark Magician

x1 Cyber Dragon

x1 DMG [if you need it.]


x3 Skilled Dark Magician

x3 Magical Exemplar

x2 Elemental Hero Prisma

x2 Apprentice Magician

x2 Crystal Seer

x2 Night's End Sorcerer

x1 Sangan

x1 Snipe Hunter

x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior


x13 Spells


x3 Magical Dimension

x3 Fiend's Sanctuary

x2 Dark Magic Curtain

x2 Book of Moon

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Brain Control

x1 Giant Trunade


x3 Traps


x3 Solemn Judgment


x15 Extra Deck


x3 Tempest Magician

x3 Arcanite Magician

x3 Stardust Dragon

x3 Colossal Fighter

x1 Goyo Guardian

x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

x1 Red Dragon Archfiend

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Star that seems pretty good, but no synchros. As for prisma why would I need it unless I was useing dark paladin which I dont have sadley. The main cards I use in the deck are as followed.



x2 Dark magician

Dark eradicator warlock(why does it suck?)

Dark magician girl


chaos command(I like his effect}


toy magician

x2skilled dark magician

x2gemini elf


as for magic and traps

x2Magical dimension

dark magic attack

Pitch black power stone


I also use things like kunai with chains blah blah.

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As for prisma why would I need it unless I was useing dark paladin which I dont have sadley. The main cards I use in the deck are as followed.


He copies Dark Magician's name allowing you to tribute him for Eradicator or use any of Dark Magician's support cards. Not only that, but he sends Dark Magician to your graveyard where he is much more accessible through Swing of Memories, any other vanilla revivers, or even Miracle Restoring if you're using spell counters.

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Im thinking about buying one on ebay' date=' as for synchros I will only use tempest and arcanite which I dont have. I only have one buster blader though.



Why, though?


Buster Blader is a terrible card.


There's really no reason not to run Synchros.


I'm sure you're gonna reply with some kind of "I don't like them so I won't use them" thing that makes absolutely no sense.

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Um its actually pretty simple' date=' I run a spellcaster deck therefor im not going to add tuners or synchcros that arnt spellcasters. I ment buy a dark paladin I was asking if I should invest in another buster to make a better chance of getting paladin out.



Night's End Sorcerer is a Tuner.


Just because Stardust Dragon isn't a Spellcaster-Type monster, doesn't mean you shouldn't Summon it in a Spellcaster Deck.

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Well duh um not retarted' date=' I play on spellcasters cause there fun. Im not trying to win anything I play my sister and her boyfriend so dont need stardust. Thanks though.



That's it. I give up.

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If you want Fusions' date=' don't use Buster Blader, get 1 or 2 "The Dark Hex-Sealed Fusion"



this way, you only need to Tribute, don't even need Polymerization :)

Yes you do to get his effect or you have to use buster blader.



no you don't need polymerization, just have this guy and DM or Prisma disguised as DM by its effect (on the field), tribute both and get Dark Paladin.

you oviously didn't read the card. you can treat this card as having the same effect as goddess of the third eye but only for DARK mosnters and they have to be on the field, and in exchange. you tribute the materials with this card's effect. not using Polymerization. saying you need polymerization with this card's effect is like saying you need polymerization for other cards like future fusion, dragons mirror ETC. because it doesn't say specificly that you don't need it..

oh. and the white version of this guy would help your blue eyes Deck.

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If you want Fusions' date=' don't use Buster Blader, get 1 or 2 "The Dark Hex-Sealed Fusion"



this way, you only need to Tribute, don't even need Polymerization :)

Yes you do to get his effect or you have to use buster blader.



no you don't need polymerization, just have this guy and DM or Prisma disguised as DM by its effect (on the field), tribute both and get Dark Paladin.

you oviously didn't read the card. you can treat this card as having the same effect as goddess of the third eye but only for DARK mosnters and they have to be on the field, and in exchange. you tribute the materials with this card's effect. not using Polymerization. saying you need polymerization with this card's effect is like saying you need polymerization for other cards like future fusion, dragons mirror ETC. because it doesn't say specificly that you don't need it..

oh. and the white version of this guy would help your blue eyes Deck.

Read the ruling, you need DMF BB and him to get dark paladin because this acts as poly.


EDIT: NVM i got confused.

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oh, the "except by Fusion Summon" that shouldn't exist in any card on the game -_- I hate that so much...


so the rock cannot do it because its not treated as "Fusion Summon" but you can still use the Rock as a substitute, can you? I see this somehow prevents its summoning in any other way but allows substitutes :)


so zillaz was right for the wrong reason and I was wrong for the right reason :lol:


EDIT: I see the "can only be" part in there.. so that makes this a semi-nomi and you can monster reborn it, right?

GODDAMIT!!! that first sentense is just there to make me mad :/

It's weird how I've seen people using this combo anyways =/

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