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Burden of the Counter Fairies


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i really hate counter fairies.

i really do.

you never have the right sheet at the right time.

so ya know what? im going to try something new with them.

looking back, this deck is /still/ retardedly expensive:



3 artemis

3 harvest

3 meltiel

3 zeradias

3 thunder king

3 honest



2 sanctuary

1 mst

1 trunade

3 burden



3 oppression

3 solemn

3 dark bribe

3 divine wrath

3 drastic dropoff/forced back/destruction jammer/black horn



deck 40


its straight beat down with counter fucks, oppression and burden.

if you have any questions on card choices, ask.



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oppression says no.

as much as id like to run generic fairies again, i wanted to try something different.

in order to make the 16's powerful, i decided to bust out burdens and oppression.

now its little-city-esque.


just straight runnnin em over. no big scary guys because the big scary guys have the bad side effect of dying and leaving you open. plus the big scary guys end up clogging my deck with valhalla and fat fairies.


then the rest of it is counter traps to spring artemis and meltiel and to cock block heavily.

burdens to make that 16 into a 2k. relatively speaking.

and oppression to keep everything big and obnoxious off the field.

sanc is in there to help out meltiel, and zera searches it, so i only put 2.



meltiel is my destroyer, artemis is my draw engine, zeradias, rai-oh, and harvest are my tanks, and honest is my lord, jesus christ.

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