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[VSDISC] Gladiator Beasts VS Lightsworn [VSDISC]

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Lightsworn are better than Gladiator Beasts.


While Gladiator Beasts are still a great Decktype, they took a hit from the limiting of Bestiari. Now, I'm well aware of the fact that Gladiator Beasts are still usable with one Bestiari, but it is easier to access Bestiari when you're running three instead of one.


Lightsworn, on the other hand, has speed, power, and versatility, not to mention the fact that their boss monster, which they don't even need to win, is still easy to access at one due to the fact that Lightsworn can basically fly through your Deck at ridiculous speeds.


tl;dr version: Lightsworn > Glads

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