In addition to the support for Subtypes, I noticed the card maker also handled resizing the text a lot better. It used to be where after you entered a certain amount of characters, it shrunk the text even if there was room at the bottom of the card for further lines. I think the problem is back though. I was making a card and it looked like there was room at the bottom for an extra line of text, so I added another effect. When I generated the card, it was shrunk down so you couldn't read it. So I took off the last effect, and when I generated the card again, instead of going back to one line of space between the effect and the ATK/DEF, there were two, meaning the old resizing problem is back. I don't know why, but it seems to have happened in the last five minutes, because the font size and spacing seems to have changed between the original card and the new one (which should look exactly the same because I just deleted the line I added).
In addition to the support for Subtypes, I noticed the card maker also handled resizing the text a lot better. It used to be where after you entered a certain amount of characters, it shrunk the text even if there was room at the bottom of the card for further lines. I think the problem is back though. I was making a card and it looked like there was room at the bottom for an extra line of text, so I added another effect. When I generated the card, it was shrunk down so you couldn't read it. So I took off the last effect, and when I generated the card again, instead of going back to one line of space between the effect and the ATK/DEF, there were two, meaning the old resizing problem is back. I don't know why, but it seems to have happened in the last five minutes, because the font size and spacing seems to have changed between the original card and the new one (which should look exactly the same because I just deleted the line I added).
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