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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Created Card Game, YVD set and ban list discussion thread

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Well then the only response is that I had IcyBlue's permission to post this here since since IcyBlue saw this here when that blue text giving me permission was added in. This is in fact a discussion thread, but mostly for members of the CCG project. You can comment here if you want to though, I certainly wouldn't mind :p


Nightmarian there's no reason why it can't be here, and I really am getting tired of you nitpicking over every detail.-

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Let people say what they want, they are just pi**ed at something and decide to say stuff about our project either cos they didn't think of idea or don't have ability to think of stuff the ccg members do, so let them question where things are we are a part of this forum just as well as they are so we can post this wherever we want once its not against rules and its not, and seeing as a mod approves i rest my case...


Short version: This stays here..

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Let people say what they want' date=' they are just pi**ed at something and decide to say stuff about our project either cos they didn't think of idea or don't have ability to think of stuff the ccg members do, so let them question where things are we are a part of this forum just as well as they are so we can post this wherever we want once its not against rules and its not, and seeing as a mod approves i rest my case...


Short version: This stays here..



Short version: You are wrong in so horribly many ways. (Not only that you accuse me of not being able to think of ideas)


This is a thread regarding a project in a game: I see no reason why it should be in a Custom Cards Forum.


And yes, I am a Mod, not just in this section.

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Nitton where did i say you weren't a mod..??

No where yea thats right, so what you on about there, and where did i say you can't think of ideas..?? no where again, i said something along those lines but not that, so please read properly before you post, the reason i said those things is because of 3 or 4 people have said things like that while almost everybody else here has approved of our idea so why did you come here posting that can you read the written cards in the spoiler, can you read the permission we got from a mod, im sure you can so what is your problem..?? I don't no so that leads me to believe your jealous or something so that why i said what i did.. okay



Hope you don't take any offense from this, it just a simple opinion of 1 person i might be totally incorrect, but then again i may not be... Anyway have a nice day ^_^

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Does anyone see any problem cards so far? The change from Gruesome Slimeyard from 1 to 2 can be iffy, but then it does so horribly if your opponent runs Crusher.


Also, is Summon Sensor still fine at 3? It is annoying, but is it too powerful?


If you guys see any other cards that need discussion, bring them up as well.

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Does anyone see any problem cards so far? The change from Gruesome Slimeyard from 1 to 2 can be iffy' date=' but then it does so horribly if your opponent runs Crusher.


Also, is Summon Sensor still fine at 3? It is annoying, but is it too powerful?


If you guys see any other cards that need discussion, bring them up as well.



I think we should drop Sensor to 2, maybe Egg down a bit as well.

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Some changes gotta be made to the list..


Egg of Regeneration has to be at least semi-limited, its just like a monster reborn, its way better then our card thats supposed to be reborn/premature/call of haunted...

Haze fairy shouldn't be semi-limited when you must normal summon it to get its effect..

Gravity Wind shouldn't be at 1, when PWWB is at 3 and this has more of a cost and they also get card back to hand..



So 3 changes for me anyway would be


EGG - Limited

Haze - unlimited

Gravity Wind - unlimited

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Summon Sensor should never be restricted, because it is weaker card then Trap Hole, and similar cards because it doesn't suprise your opponent at all, while it can screw u up too, like i screwed up Karl by it...i just Set my monsters, and problem solved...i see its power somewhere, but nah...i will probably never use it, and my decks pwns :p


Egg of Regeneration...it seems that it still have power of Monster Reborn..thing you need to wait a little doesn't solve problems really..now, that is situation now, i am not sure will this change, and probably it will a lot...so this card in future by my opinion will be less powerful then it is now.... i am for semi-limiting it...


Gravity Wind is one of strongest cards in CCG, and things that it can do is incredible...it deserves limiting...


Haze Fairy - well, i am not sure... thing that you need to normal summon it, and you cannot use it in combination with Synchro monsters, solved almost all problems Sangan haved...i say semi-limit so we will see...i am not sure though, because it is recruiter for monsters with atk 1500 or less which made sangan limited in first place...power of this card will only increase after each set..


Psychic Demolition - this card is weaker then Negate Attack..your opponent can do what is best of him, there is no suprise or anything....its fail card actually..(and i made it :()

This should be unlimited..


Land Mine - even if i am not sure about this, i say lets test it at 3...it will be more usable when it will be able to cover more monster zones...


Fist of Rage - i really don't see any reason for this card be semi-limited..anyone else??

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I personally see no reason whatsoever to have Egg reduced to even semi. It's MUCH weaker than monster reborn. It can only summon one of YOUR monsters, it takes at least 2 turns to summon most monsters, it can be copied if you run Laser Transfer, and while it can special summon monsters, its also the ONLY special summon card in the grave, with very few viable alternatives at the moment. Perhaps in the future if we get others I could see it semied, but right now? Not at all. I honestly agree with neo on Summon Sensor, though it pisses me off every time I see it used.


As for the Sangan issue, Sangan was limited because you could use it for all sorts of nasty combos that broke it. None of those combos exist with Haze.


EDIT: As an improvement to the Ban List, I suggest adding a new section at least for the future when it can be more useful. I'm sure I've heard talk of a "Restricted" section for the ban list, though I can't remember everything I've heard about it, so here's my idea for a "restricted" section. Items that are banned except for in certain conditions, in which they become limited instead, and perhaps a sub-section which is cards that are treated as Limited, but you can only have a certain number of them, like 3, or maybe even less. Or perhaps as an alternative to that, you can have "5", and each card counts as a set amount of that 5, so you could have a card that counts as 1, and a card that counts as 4. Just some ideas that have been bouncing around in my head I thought I'd share.

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Honestly I disagree, mostly because its the ONLY revival card in the game, and there is no way to recover it. There are no cards to recover used Spell/Trap cards that I know of, and only Egg for a revival card. That kind of makes it not too strong to me. Its much slower than Monster Reborn anyway, and more vulnerable because of that. I don't think Egg should go on the ban list at all, and in the future then perhaps you could be limited to only 3 revival cards in your deck or something, if we use the Idea I mentioned above.

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Oh, Adran...yes, there will be that restriction list in ban list..i forgat about that....

Restriction list i was talking about is connected with Submission Phase...its list that contains categories , and no one can submit cards that fit that category...i could change its name to something, but to what?

Kimmy, go here, and read first post :


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Because of combos. And Monster Reborn is a LOT more powerful than Egg. Monster Reborn is an INSTANT ss of any monster in any grave. Discard a random Level 7+ monster and you get it right away with Monster Reborn. Egg can't do that unless its been around for a while, in which case the opponent can stop it much easier.


EDIT: To be more specific, Premature is an equip card, and can be manipulated as such, while Call can easily be used then you can avoid the risk of losing your monster through various combos while potentially being able to REUSE it.

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