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Allow Members To Create Events

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YCM has a Calendar, if you didn't know. This calendar, as of now, is used only for Birthdays. What I propose is that they powers that be allow us regular members to post events, perhaps even just 1 per month. The mods could mod what events are submitted for when. This would allow members to post such things as:

Important dates in their real life

Important Dates For Contests
Important Dates For Clubs
Important Dates For Other Things

This would allow members to post relevant dates.


Name are irrelevant. 7 Supporters

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Guest Fake Apology

Mods can't moderate both forums and calendar issues, don't forget they have a life to care of too. So, it's a ''no''.


And why not?

-Nobody would notice it after the first or second week.


Agreed. People are always stuck on the forums and their post counts(lol yeah), so they won't give a sh- you know what about the calendar.

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