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My deck with no theme.

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So here's the deck I use. Not much of a theme,but I don't get my ass kicked as much as my old deck so....meh.



-Magna Drago

-Pitch Black Warwolf

-Nobleman-Eater Bug

-Grave Squirmer

-Mecha Bunny x3

-Turbo Booster x2

-White Horned Dragon

-Mosaic Manticore

-Jutte Fighter x2

-Junk Synchron

-Sinister Sprocket

-Mask Of Darkness

-Mirage Dragon

-Mystic Tomato

-Shield Warrior

-Big Eye

-Quillbolt Hedgehog


-Armed Dragon LV5



Traps & Spells:

-Spell Shield Type-8

-Lightning Vortex x2

-Metalsilver Armor


-Mystical Space Typhoon

-Magic Jammer x2

-Defense Draw x2

-Monster Reincarnation


-Draining Shield

-Synchro Deflector

-Remote Revenge

-Monster Reborn

-Wall Of Revealing Light

-Book Of Moon

-Graceful Revival


Done. If there's anything Terrible about this Deck,I wanna know. Thx

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You need to include numbers at the top of each section telling people how many card(s) are in that section.


For example:


Monsters (2)


x2 Yata-Garasu


Spells (3)


x3 Pot of Greed


Traps (5)


x3 Solemn Judgment

x2 Mirror Force


Once you get that part out of the way, I'd suggest selecting some kind of theme and trying to work from there.

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To Star:Pot of greed is banned...


Crimson King:Lulz. Many lulz.


I have a couple structure decks' date='I just wanted to build one without a theme and see how it went. I have some synchro monsters,I just forgot to list them.


Bunter: Do I need to describe mecha bunny's ability?



Star was just giving an example. Bunter was probably insulting Mecha Bunny.




-1 LackOfTheme

+1 Theme


Even if you don't want to run a stucture deck, there's no excuse to not have a theme...

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