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Kuriboh Deck , as haris suggested.

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I will post a deck type that the first person responds to this with. Gogogo :P


Monsters: 19


Kuriboh x3

Winged Kuriboh x3

Treeborn Frog

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2

Phantom of Chaos x2

Sky Scourge Norleras x2

Caius the Shadow Monarch x2

Prime Material Dragon


Spells: 16

Foolish Burial x2

Flute of Summoning Kuriboh x3

Dark Eruption x2

Monster Reborn


Heavy Storm

Charge of the Light Brigade x2

Solar Recharge x2

Allure of Darkness x2


Traps: 5

Threatening Roar x2

Reckless Greed x3


Tossed together with some dressing and a few croutons :P

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