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"The Chuck Norris" Facts


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The afterlife is in fact governed by Chuck Norris. When people die, if they believed in him they go to heaven. If they die Chuck Norris gets to kick their ass for all eternity. After realizing everyone believed in him, and starting to get bored, he got God to repay a favor. Now there are people in this world who don't believe in Chuck Norris, and so he waits...


I can't even remember where I got that one.

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The afterlife is in fact governed by Chuck Norris. When people die, if they believed in him they go to heaven. If they die Chuck Norris gets to kick their ass for all eternity. After realizing everyone believed in him, and starting to get bored, he got God to repay a favor. Now there are people in this world who don't believe in Chuck Norris, and so he waits...


I can't even remember where I got that one.

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OMG! Yes chuck norris was a horrible actor, but thats why its soooo funny to post such rediculous things about him. Only a child could not understand why praising someone who sucked is funny. STOP POSTING ON THIS THREAD IF YOU HATE THE TOPIC SO MUCH! It just shows how immature you can be. I don't go looking for threads I don't like so I can post comments bashing the thread :? thats just childish...

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