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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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I've got you good this time Yoko, thought Crystal as she drew. She looked at the cards in her hand. If I win this, I owe it to you Chris.


"I'll activate Polymerization. Now by fusing my Summoned Skull with my Red Eyes Black Dragon, I'll create Black Skull Dragon! I hope you're prepared for a trip to the shadows, caus my monsters are going to send you there. Now my dragon and my warrior, destroy Yoko for good!"


Crystal - 8000

Yoko - 0000


"And that's GAME!"

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"Yes ... I ... can," snapped Crystal. "Do you want to know something? Your deck may be strong - and a nightmare if I may say so too with your Yubels - but I've got friends to back me up, and their strength alone is stronger than any deck in the world. And you know Chris, my doppleganger? He's the one that gave me this deck."

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--seems like i missed quite a bit


(AJ woke up from his nights sleep and got changed, he walked outside and took in a breath of fresh air, Jade and Nightshroud where both gone, but still something didn't feel enitrely right, AJ took out his card of Cobalt and the Crystal Beast appeared at his side)


Cobalt: you called?


AJ: Cobalt Eagle, there's something i'd like you to investigate...


--i had work today, i'll be on more tomorrow

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Rinslet felt unimportant.


OOC: And that's the truth.

OOC: Kind of curious why the main characters are the only characters that get to do anything. Everyone else than the people that were practically in Part 1 are just fanned.

OOC: Actually, that's not even true. AJ is a main character from what I understand and he gets like, no action. Koga I don't think even posted in this RP, It seems that Peter and Crystal are the only characters that can do anything at all in the series. :/

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OOC:That's not true! It's all about finding people(other minor characters and the occasional main character) and starting your own subplot....yes it's unfortunate that we're left in the dark, but that's why the rest of us are there to pick each other up. If it were'nt for you and awesome...I would have quit a long time ago.

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OOC: Alright, no jokes this time. I'm back. And I'm gonna make a difference.


Sean walked around the school. He heard rumors about Crystal being in a shadow duel, and he figured she was the only person who knew... what was wrong with his head every time one of those was conducted.

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Michaela: Him feeling proud about beating Aaron, the undeafeted, but knew it was a bad and immoral thing to do spreading it around, so he decided to keep cool. "Well, I've got it this time..." He almost finished the camera system. Although another error occured. "Agh! Dang it! I don't know what's wrong... well I finished my hologram projector, so that's good news.. let's see how it works." It explodes "Dang it! So close. Well, time for some outdoor time." He went outside.

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